Moon Rivers

I think based on the start of the email, they presented themselves as young professionals in their 20s with stable jobs who could be expected to yeah, maybe break some knickknacks but nothing on this level, you know? Thankfully, yes, she can hire people to clean apparently. For me though, it's the blatant disrespect.

Seriously. I wish we had COTD still. I'd vote for this.

I remember arriving at my uncle's house after his son, my cousin, had thrown a party and then just took off because he had a flight to catch. The state of that house...I still have flashbacks. I'd never seen maggots up close until that night. We'd just gotten off a plane and had to scrub the place down and air out

These were actors but the questions were based on actual questions asked by actual tourists so...they're real.

I remember Marla! I was a kid when that scandal hit the papers. They called her the Georgia Peach or something equally ridiculous.

I realized when Christina said Meredith was her person.

That plus the herpes rumor is distressing...

Agreed. It's different when they're a few years apart but when there's a massive age gap, the older ones are supposed to protect and support the younger ones.

Hahahahaha. She went off script and Audrina got lost. That is hysterical! Thank you.

Really? I prefer the alternate. L.C. finally one ups Kristin is how it should have ended. Even if it was fake.

I was about to make a joke about douches and sprays when I realized there was a possible double meaning.

One of my friends just posted that same article. It was really good because the author made his points without excess dramatics. I'm a sucker for clean writing. I like your triple feature idea. I've been dying to see "Despicable Me 2.0"!

I am skipping a wedding next week for just that reason. (Last year, I would have thought I'd be maid of honor!) Thinking about it doesn't help so I just don't. Instead of one almost best friend, it was two in my case. Now, I guess they're each other's almost best friends. Whatevs.

I hope you politely told her to suck it.

Oh wow, I didn't notice and just scrolled back up to see it. I dislike this woman even more intensely now.

You don't use your panini press?! I love mine. But then again, I really love sandwiches.

A-freakin-men! Just reading about this on different sites through the day and hearing comments from friends and family has exhausted me. When I was 19, my biggest worry was waking up for my morning classes. I applaud Rachel for having the guts to testify especially since she was reluctant to get involved. Everyone

I'm trying to think of a way to explain this so bear with me for a sec. It's not a funny meme as in "ha ha ha". It's funny because it's a sad truth. It evolved from countless situations when a white woman crying has changed the course of events, usually to her benefit. So, it's not about laughing at people crying so

I wasn't talking about your capitalization. It's like a thing, a turn of phrase, "White Women's Tears". It's even a meme. Paula may have lost some things but plenty of people are sticking by her and she'll be back on her feet in no time. She's never going to really pay for what she did nor will she change. She "is

I actually went to the page and she was responding to people's comments that first night. She really didn't understand why people were upset that she used the term "lynch mob" and I was like wow, I used to read her books way back when. No more. She went hard for Paula who she doesn't even know so my thought was