You're quite welcome!
You're quite welcome!
Who can sleep with so much going on this week?! J/K. I told my friend about the Paula/Judy thing and she asked, "Does she know Judy Smith is black?!".
Wait, you mean Judy Smith?
This made me laugh so hard. I'm sure Judy is too professional to do such a thing but I would giggle maniacally if she did.
History and current events should more than explain that black women's tears don't have quite the same impact. Or really, any impact. Ours tend not to get capital letters either.
You are so cute! I have a big mouth too so I feel your pain. Personally, I would reintroduce that topic and explain why she was wrong. If you're going to be family, you should know where you stand on things. And regarding the crazy aunt, you weren't being racist. Feel free to call it "crazy aunt syndrome". I usually…
I didn't see any actual tears.
I was just talking about him! I watched Dido's feed until the end too. It was too cute when he realized he was the only one covering the protest. That's when he started talking to more people like Cecile Richards. When he got to Wendy Davis, you could tell he was nervous. He left one job, protested, then had to catch…
Wow! Tell 'em why you mad, ladies! Welcome to the fight. :)
I would hope so but I doubt anything will happen. They started saying those votes were released accidentally and someone made a mistake when they posted them, last night. I'm sure it'll be brushed aside as error not fraud.
They changed it from the 26th to the 25th and got busted. Saying the vote happened at 11:59pm and not 12:02am. That's why they backed down. The AP had video and people had screencaps of the website. Social media changed the course of history tonight.
You were right about Megan!
Those are the very people who do it though. The guilt cracks them. I'm not hoping the character kills herself at all. Just wild spec. These finales are always jaw droppers so I made a somewhat outrageous but a little bit plausible guess. I don't think any major character will die and I sincerely hope Megan isn't…
Or Sylvia commits suicide out of guilt?
It's funny that you mentioned Party In The USA since I just started to like that song, like last year. I'm very late to the Miley train despite my younger relatives' love for Hannah Montana and I feel like there've been some unscheduled stops that have left me confused. I think it started with the haircut...
So I realize. I thought it was just single women my age, early 30s, specifically me and my friends who were touchy about it (and frequently discussing it) until recently. It gets old hearing "Why aren't you married yet?" when it starts in your early 20s.
Ah, my age group. :)
It wasn't what she was trying to say. I don't think Westmark was really being serious with that comment anyway. Marriage discussions have really got people riled up around here, yeesh.
Are you in your early 20s by any chance? I do know older men who adhere to your philosophy so I'm not assuming anything nor am I judging. Everyone has to do what works for them. Just curious.
Awww. I will pass along the love everyone is sending her way. My friend posted the video last night and my mom showed it to me but I didn't realize how big it was until this morning. I knew she did acting and comedy but I didn't realize she was making moves like that, you know?