Aside from all the other problems in this — in what world do you live where only a“few” people need health care, welfare, and disability?
Aside from all the other problems in this — in what world do you live where only a“few” people need health care, welfare, and disability?
You sound like you have a lot to contribute to this based off your hot take of someone else sounding dumb.
It’s ok. I understand how upset you are to have something in common with him. I really like making fun of his tiny hands and then my partner said to me the other day “moonkats, do you see you too have tiny hands?”
Bless you for this.
I am spotting a hint of sarcasm but honestly I’m terrified that’s how a lot of people are thinking these days....
Fired-up-Elizabeth-Warren is the best Elizabeth Warren
Thank you for sharing this. I am constantly on the verge of a panic attack when I think about how everything is so messed up and no one cares. It’s so nice to see people actually do care, and are doing something about it.
As someone who went to a right-wing-christian-nut-job-school (thanks shitty family!) I can confirm that the “agape love” is taken from the Greek word “agapo” meaning love. It’s supposed to be considered the highest form of love from a biblical standpoint, which also means it’s been co-opted by the right wing…
Ouch. Everything about that just made me sad.
You’re incredibly optimistic.
You kind internet comment write are a wordsmith. Truer words have never been spoken.
Complete with tribal tattoos! What tribe are you apart of Chad????
OH snap.
I never watch Jeopardy so I am insanely happy that the one time I did watch I also saw this golden moment and was embarrassed for everyone involved, even myself as a viewer.
Man you really like to be smug don’t you?
I have literally nothing to add to this other than the following:
This was my first exposure to Debbie Reynolds too! I had a shitty childhood with not super loving parents/grandparents, so I turned to fantasy a ton as a kid. I have fond memories of pretending that Aggie was my Grandmother and would tell myself “being normal is vastly overrated” when I felt super isolated and weird.…