Swear the guys at Rockstar are just magnificent sons of bitches
What’s stopping the exploiters from leaving their cars all over the place and letting people that don’t know about the fix die to them?
I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.
Can you really do this to someone even if they ARE suffering from anxiety? What am I missing?
I love it, as I say, but it's not for everyone. Like how torture porn isn't for everyone, or how I often admire Paul Thomas Anderson movies but don't like them a ton because they leave me cold.
I have thought about the possibilities of Shenmue on the WII U many times how it would be perfect for the console system, mainly with the many mini games that Shenmue has this is best demonstrated in Shenmue is the darts game you can play in the Arcade near the parking lot. Instead of having to press a at the right…
Sure I'm serious! Just think about all the possibilities! It would be a great showcase for the Wii U, visually and gameplay wise! Think about what made Shenmue so great in the first place. It offered you a fully interactive, living world with lots of mini-games - the Wii U's diverse controls would allow for all kinds…
Yes, Shenmue! Please!
Shenmue U!
The most amazing thing I take away from this article is that Geocities still exists.
Now now Luke, that's blasphemy, The forklift driving in Shenmue was freaking awesome. Seriously.
Mass effect has a lot of character development options. Things like Paragon or whatever. You also got to improve your abilities allowing you to choose which type of character you would like to play as, whether it was an assault guy, or a sniper, or whatever. Shenmue, is not so much that, and more of an adventure game…
but...why male models?
"And given that Sega, the publisher behind Shenmue, is as unresponsive as a company can get..."
*Cough* the 70's would like to have a word with you, as well as Dragon's Lair.
I just think that the guy kinda has a point. Pokemon and death note are much more well known than shenmue. I wish shenmue was that well known and popular, because then I would get that third game :)