Moonbeam Song

Why, though, *should* we trust him, when Mel himself says that things that affect HIS culture directly should be “off-limits”, and everything else is okay? I want to think he’s saying that deliberately, in a coy manner, but it simply comes off as nothing more than a HUGE double-standard that essentially invalidates

How do you figure? Bran said one other thing to him earlier that caught him off-guard, but otherwise there’s ZERO indication in the aired episodes that suggests to the viewer that Littlefinger has any clue at all about Bran’s abilities. Bran had conversations with Sansa and Arya about his role as the “3-eyed raven”

I was 16 at the time, and yeah, it was scary and depressing and I was a little shell-shocked after viewing it. Whole family was.

The problem here is that this means the writing on “Rick and Morty” can never, ever go down in quality — or else they risk a wild backlash. (“Remember when the writers on Rick and Morty bashed GoT for THEIR writing? Take a look at the stinkers they’ve been releasing this season...” )

I can totally see why the creators

When it pulls the rug out from under his tower of lies, sure. Remember he knows that Sansa knows how much he’s said that is BS.

Littlefinger only lasted as long as he did, and got as far up the food chain as he did, because he could keep moving around between the greater powers telling them what they wanted to hear,

But that’s the thing -- it doesn’t matter what anyone else knew — Littlefinger himself knew those were his exact words and actions and he’s confused as can be as to how Bran knew that. You can tell from his expression right after Bran delivers them, he’s trying to process and can’t wrap his mind around it.

It was one

I think Bran’s recitation of his exact words when holding the knife to Ned *really* threw him off his game. And he was already reeling from the unexpected ambush by surprisingly (to him) united Stark sisters.

If it TRULY were normal in our culture now, you wouldn’t be seeing articles like this any more.

There’s still plenty of resistance, even outright aggression, to the idea that queer people exist and should occasionally be represented in various media and entertainment.

It’s waaaay better than it was, no question, but

>> In my county, people wave at strangers as they pass on the road, usually at least nod in passing at the store and the older ones will often say hello. (Now, of course, they are probably whispering trash about you once you move to the next aisle.)

That doesn’t seem “polite” to this northerner, it just seems

Many thanks for the update, it’s reassuring.

I really don't agree with the complaints about the slow pace of the first two episodes. Not only do they have to provide us with a refresher on four characters, plus each of those characters supporting cast, they have to introduce a brand new "big bad", and provide us with a plausible-enough reason for all four

Agreed, and that's the key here — the writing! Good writing, the show will do fine with her in the role. Poor or inconsistent writing, and it won't matter who they cast, the show will falter.

I'm very pleased at the choice — she's a talented actor and as long as she's given strong scripts, I'm sure she'll excel in the role.

Not the only one… I've always been a huge River Song fan! :-)

That's a legit point, but Joong-Ki was actively running away from her rather than trying to kill her. I still think that's very different from getting jumped by people and fighting your way out of the situation and some of your attackers getting killed in the process.

But has she gone out of her way to kill henchmen, or has she only killed the henchmen that were sent to kill her? I might be wrong, but I feel like when she's on the pursuit she's only injured people, and the only killing she's done is when she's been attacked (ie, in self-defense). Personally, I do think that makes

Yep, if that had been made just a LITTLE more clear, it would probably resolve quite a bit of the problems people are having with the episode.

Count me in the minority as well! I did enjoy it — even if I agree the last few scenes were rushed and truncated, there were still good parts to them that didn't completely destroy the whole episode. I'd give it a B- at the worst.

I agree with the Wolfgang issue — at first I thought one of the people they grabbed WAS Wolfgang and they were just keeping it hidden to be suspenseful. I was really surprised when the season ended at Wolfgang was still in jeopardy.

I sort of feel the opposite — we certainly have PLENTY of shows in this era of "Peak TV" where terrible things happen to good people and bad people alike, unrelentingly.