Moonbeam Song

Yep — I figure I'm traveling all that way to experience another culture, and food is a huge part of other cultures, so it doesn't make sense to worry about it too much. Although when I do find good vegetarian places abroad, I'll definitely indulge!

I tend to put my vegetarianism "on hold" whenever I travel to Asia, it just makes things easier.

This movie was a revelation, so beautiful, so different from anything I'd seen before. And the soundtrack was also just a perfect dreamlike accompaniment - I actually went out and bought it and still listen to it occasionally to this day.

I have no idea where there is a McDonald's that is making a Filet-o-Fish worth gushing about like the author here gushes, but I've never had a McD's Filet-o-Fish that wasn't bland or smushed or both. Totally generic and forgettable.

Don't tease me about Squirrel Girl and the Great Lakes Avengers! That's the MCU film I've been waiting for the longest!

Here's a thing to remember: Trump fans were vicious when it came to attacking, tearing down, and vandalizing Clinton signs. Lots of us chose to show our support in ways that wouldn't bring destruction to our cars or property.

I was just going to say — if we're talking traveling with a Time Lord — including ALL of the gadgetry, the psychic paper, the sonic screwdriver, the impenetrable TARDIS force-field… then I might feel safe enough to take the plunge.

"Which is to any extent less safe" isn't what I'm saying though. For many of us, there simply are not very many past times that would only be a "little less safe". Most of them would honestly be a LOT less safe. MAYBE we'd get lucky, but the risks we already face now would be exacerbated back then.

Believe me, I understand the allure. Still, though, how could you honestly think you could just pick to experience the positive aspects and never risk the negative? Especially as a woman, a POC, a religious minority like a Jew… even in the most idyllic of moments, all it would take is someone appearing on the scene

The problem with comparing time travel to traveling to less-safe nations contemporaneously is that your US Passport still carries weight, even if you get stuck.

But your assumption that Sanders would have been "that" candidate completely flies in the face of the serious opposition he faced *from actual Democratic voters*.

But all your anecdotes are from people who would have likely voted for either Sanders or Clinton in the first place.

There's nothing to back any of the assumptions up that Sanders would have won, especially if you cherry-pick polling that is meaningless since Sanders never faced the GOP smear machine.

I do indeed think voter turnout would have been lower, because I think you are completely — and wildly — underestimating just how "harsh" the "Sanders = Commie" smear would have destroyed Sanders chances.

Exactly! And it took unprecedented actions by the FBI director in the last moments of the campaign, PLUS interference by Russia, to bring Clinton down!

I still disagree, though, in the "sky-eyed" view that he was some sort of savior, or that he would have been equally populist. He's just nowhere near the showman Trump is, nor did he have the same name recognition, and the GOP would have defined him as a communist long before he would have been able to define himself

Nope. After the GOP machine hammered home "Sanders = Communist" enough times, Sanders would absolutely NOT have won over more voters than Clinton did.

What you and all the other "but Sanders would have won!" people are forgetting is that Sanders *never ran into the conservative media buzzsaw*.

Re: Alaska's bratty meltdown and "bribe myself into the finals" moment: I'm really surprised that someone who seems so savvy most of the time would make such an epic mistake. She usually seems so very aware of her brand and the cameras and social media reaction, and that's served her so very, very well in the time

If Phi Phi was robbed, she was the biggest thief. Not the show, the editors or RuPaul. Yes, editing can shape a story, even create one, but you have to give them the words and facial expressions and other actions that go into it.