
They kind of always do this though. They pick one ideal, down to Earth, less conventionally “Hollywood” woman to adore and make excuses for but then tear the shit out of someone like Anne Hathaway who had the nerve to admit that she wanted to win an Oscar in 2013 while Jennifer Lawrence was talking about getting drunk

Hey! That’d work out! We keep 50 stars on the flag, and all the money wasted on maintaining roads and such for racist assholes could be spent on bringing back electricity to the island.

Might as well trade Texas and Florida for Guam, Mariana and U.S. Virgin islands, and whatever else I may be missing while we’re at it.

I am also not that interested in being ‘united’ with people who think it is the 2nd Amendment—and not the First—that is what sets this country apart. Given that conservatives in general credit themselves with a near-Talmudic attention to the Constitution’s ‘detail’—don’t they have enough faith to believe that our

If america were to kick those aggressively stupid financially draining, pathologically violent family embarrassments to the curb, “...for the first time in my adult life I would feel proud of my country”.

SC out, Puerto Rico in. Git’er done!

yeah, i once thought we agreed that pedophiles should not be in the senate too but here we are....

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Mick Mulvaney, who is so aggressive about cost-cutting measures that he suggested the quarterly budget be $0

While we don’t live in a trailer park*, my wife and I do live in a mobile home in the woods and we’ve never been happier. Selling our four-bedroom house in the city and downsizing after our children moved out was one of the best things we’ve ever done.

My college boyfriend grew up in a doublewide. You know what that is? They can be pretty large.

I hope you get un-greyed because your take is the right take. Rich is most notable for being associated with incredibly problematic people (See TheGoodPlates above) and trying to be a shit stirrer. That’s the existence he’s carved out for himself on this tiny patch of blog. He’s a genital wart on the body of

Trailer parks aren’t exotic zoos: they’re places where people live, often the last affordable places for people on a blue collar salary. Naturally many of them, especially in or near urban areas, are in danger of being bought and redeveloped into condos while booting longtime residents.

Seriously? Jezebel just posted an entire article of a man bitching that a woman refused to give him more of her time than she chose, and refused to talk about certain subjects against her will? Then takes her agency away by insisting Big Bad Publicist wouldn’t let her when she clearly didn’t want to?

Every time I read a hot piece of garbage on this family of sites I think it’s totally going to be the bottom this time. And then another contributor says “hold my beer” and churns out a fresh turd.

Alternate title: Publicist Does Her Job, Jezebel Writer Doesn’t Understand His.

I bet it’s really frustrating to try to promote your work, only to have it derailed and ignored by someone throwing a tantrum because he only wanted to talk about his interests, even though you’ve already made your views on that topic clear in the past ... just not with him.

Why are you here? You don’t like us and we don’t like you.

This was an interesting read. Thanks for parting the curtain on interview scheduling, I was dying to know all about that process. Making a woman uncomfortable over a man’s bad behavior isn’t the framing device I’d have gone with, I don’t think, but then I’m not a man so...

...... No dude. Just no.

WOMEN DON’T HAVE TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS just because you’re a gay guy (and therefore not threatening or something????) at a women’s site.