
His cause of action is a creation of the legislature, and the legislature can take it away. I am pretty sure (nb: I don’t practice in Oregon) that his case would become moot if the legislature added firearms as an exception to those listed in subsection 2 for alcohol and marijuana.

Jennifer Garner doesn’t get enough credit for playing the game. In one post she reminded people she’s single (on a night where she looked spectacular), promoted two of her projects, and showed that she can laugh at herself, making her super relatable. Ben Affleck never deserved her.

It is an injustice to paint these parents in any other light than grieving fucking parents.

Seriously, if you’re going to vet your movie collection for abusers, rapists, sexual harassers, kiddie molesters, you’re going to have to remove a lot of content.

Guy got full custody of the kids. That’s why.

IIRC there were a lot of accusations being thrown around and he was actually investigated then cleared of everything.

How do you know that Trump will lose in 2020?

Now playing

As a former film student, this one is my favorite:

Her career trajectory is remarkably similar to Matt Damon’s. Breakout role at a very young age (Winter’s bone, GWH), and achieving superstardom through franchise (Hunger Games, Bourne movies). Both are part of ensemble casts for blockbuster franchises for which they are not the main draw (X-Men, Ocean’s #). But

And yet Jennifer Anniston continues to make top money despite NEVER having a box office smash (unless you consider Jim Carrey’s “Bruce Almighty” her’s). No Oscar noms, no leads, nada...literally capitalizing on her ‘Friends’ work. Life’s great mystery...

Have you seen Winter’s Bone? She was legitimately great in that

The first East/West Bowl

If you missed Winter’s Bone, you need to go back to square one and reconsider. You literally listed her two paycheck franchise roles and one that is difficult to see in perspective without her earlier stuff.

Now playing

It is hard to choose, and you are all correct, but this might be my personal fave:

A-a-ron, because I know so many teachers that it’s not even satire.

She’s 27 and been nominated four times for an Academy Award with one win

Male centric is an apt user name, geez.

Probably the last actress in the world that I worry about is Jennifer.

BreathE, not breath. I know it’s minor but I think little typos strip posts like this of some of the gravitas they deserve.