
In the course of my job, I had to read thousands of recording contracts, dated from 1950-2012. It was eye opening to see how unfair those contracts were to artists earlier in the careers, but interesting to watch how they changed as artists were able to take more control of their careers and music. Janet Jackson’s

I’m not a Taylor fan but that Kanye video was insanely fucked up—and this is coming from someone who doesn’t have an issue with controversial art most of the time. I’m still amazed, years later, that Taylor was seen as the “bad guy” for hating that video.

You don’t have to like Taylor to realize the idea that she didn’t try to purchase her masters is BS. Pretty much every artist would murder someone to have their masters, and there are receipts of Taylor for years saying she wants her masters. Taylor may be one of the most powerful women in music, but of course Variety

She didn’t have the option. I’m going to quote jt2017 who already detailed it in response to another op: “She said in her statement that she wasn’t given the option to purchase her masters outright. Which makes sense due to her catalog being the most of the value of the label as it stood. She was offered a deal to

The ‘offending’ prayer:

This has to be the most interesting story line I have ever heard about in porn. Not that I’m a fountain of knowledge on the subject, but it makes me wish more movies would explore deeper concepts, interspersed with ridiculous sex scenes.


This is real grassroots democracy.

How now Ive been forever in the grays for a year and I contribute decent things. Not all us who are in the grays are assholes, though a lot are. :/

It’s weird that she keeps picking such lackluster movie scripts. I think her TV show is really funny and often insightful, and a better fit for her.

Idk buzzfeed was doing their soulcycle videos it seemed young fit people were there at least in that location.

There is this in between discomfort as a woman though where you’re thin and pretty enough to be sexualised but not enough that you don’t come in for raft of misogynistic abuse.

This isn’t a comment on the movie per se but I have an overwhelming impression that Amy Schumer can’t win no matter what she does. This article isn’t anything overtly bad but she sure does seem to be held to an impossible standard that we don’t impose on everyone.

Agreed. I saw Shallow Hal three times. Not because it was that great (it wasn’t; it was actually really slow) but because I found the ending so cathartic. When he sees her at the end as she really is, and he tells her she’s beautiful, and he obviously means it, I burst into tears. But then, I’m not one of the

Aidy Bryant is larger than Amy Schumer and doesn’t appear to have the same crippling low self esteem. This movie is about ONE type of woman who has low self esteem. If you see yourself in that the overall message is “give less fucks”. I don’t understand the criticism being thrown at this movie.

Is any other actress held to this standard? Go make a movie, make it REALLY funny, but be VERY careful to make it 100% about female empowerment. That sounds hard.

It’s weird that she keeps picking such lackluster movie scripts. I think her TV show is really funny and often insightful, and a better fit for her. But she really can’t seem to capture that on the big screen. All of her movies have basically the same review- she’s doing the best with what she was given. Why? It’s not

I wonder what this movie would look like if Aidy Bryant was the lead and Amy Schumer was the best friend. A lot more interesting I’d imagine.

I think now is a good time to remind everyone that it took Winona Ryder more than a decade to get redemtption....for SHOPLIFTING.

According to New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams, women are throwing themselves at the mere thought of Rudy Giuliani, a man who doesn’t know how to insert AirPods in his ears. Adams writes: