Is there any reason to think that Dory Previn would have condoned child abuse just because the child would have been related to Mia Farrow? That’s a pretty unnecessary inference.
Is there any reason to think that Dory Previn would have condoned child abuse just because the child would have been related to Mia Farrow? That’s a pretty unnecessary inference.
Cannot star this hard enough. I want to leave a longer comment, but I am so enraged by our city (and state) administration all the bloody time, that I can’t be sure it’ll be coherent.
I promise you, there’s more of us.
To be fair, Pattie Boyd felt pretty abandoned by George at that point, so Clapton’s pretty blameless there. I shall continue to blame him, however, for squandering the promise of his work in Cream.
Is the director Karajan related to the conductor? Or did you mean Herbert von Karajan?
Well, as always, YMMV. At the screening of The Shape of Water that I saw, a man sitting at the end of my row exclaimed very loudly, when the credits started to roll, “Somebody shoot me.”
This exchange between the White House and the Guggenheim made me appreciate the Cattela piece more.
Reposting what I’d said to someone else upthread: I was expecting a Price-esque gothic fairy tale, and would have been happy with any quantity of horror, if del Toro had chosen to go in that direction. Instead, the combination of acting, story, and dialogue turned it into an unintentional comedy for me. In the sense…
I would have been happy with gothic horror or dark fairy tale, or a combination of the two, but instead found it tonally inconsistent and unintentionally funny. To be fair, it was very, very funny - but fun is not what GdT was aiming for, and so I was really disappointed. I didn’t 13-nominations love The Shape of…
You might want to pick up Leo Taxil’s The Amusing Bible. It’s hysterically funny, and unjustly forgotten.
That’s absolutely fascinating. And so, so sad.
Not to be flippant, but her entire life was a succession of interesting facts - and many of them having nothing at all to do with her sex life! /s
How did you manage to not feel let down by <i>Crimson Peak</i>?
Acceptance is the first step on the path to recovery! You dared to love Skull Island, and, in daring [something something I lost my thread of thought]. Bottom line: your taste in film is excellent.
Why the side-eye? Skull Island was excellent.
Polyeznaya dura, since there’s only one of her, but yes.
That gif is a delight and I thank you most humbly. Please accept this star as a small token of gratitude.
Steve Buscemi >>> Marky Mark every day and twice on Sunday.
New Yorker (and former GW Bridge-adjacent resident) here. Hoping that every word of this story is true.
Make that calorie-free ice cream sundays, and you’ll have my vote. That double-guitar portion of the platform was, like, already fire.