
$25M box office on $1.5M budget? You know there is a producer out there considering the possibility of a sequel. (“Moonlight 2: Sunlight”, “Even More Moonlight” etc.)

Given the high proportion of millionaires in Congress, this may not be terribly effective, but why not start healthcare reform but getting rid of subsidised healthcare for our fine congressional representatives? #amodestproposal

Counterpoint: it looks awesome. I can’t believe I’m saying that, but Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, John C. Reilly, John Goodman in one film? (The lizardesque creatures do look stupid, but the film overall appears to be significantly better than it has any right to be.)

Which is extra-funny, since the propensity to burn was the explanation for the “I <3 TS” tank.

Yeah... I couldn’t finish the series. An ostensibly realistic spy story doesn’t work when presented by way of an idiot plot.

I don’t think so - in other images, you can see she is wearing a skin-coloured leotard.

Because the underlying principle is “all publicity is good publicity” (which isn’t always true, of course).

King Kong _prequel_! Sheesh.

Basically, Mr. Hiddleston, haters are going to hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, so you should just shake it off etc.

I was trying to figure out whether the missing zero was clever commentary on the state of our education... but perhaps it’s just a typo.

Is that you, David Cameron?

EastEnders ftw.

So, basically, you’re wishing for what happened in real life with the Emma Thompson-Kenneth Branagh-Helena Bonham Carter situation.

Yes, and her husband is a choreographer / dancer, so it’s a pretty great last name for him.

Starring for HBT, but most especially for Heathers.

If he can be prosecuted under the Logan Act, his lack of official government position is precisely at issue (the act targets private citizens engaging in unauthorized negotiations with foreign powers).

There’s no obligation to give the child father’s surname, horrid or otherwise, but perhaps she likes “Millepied.”

Not yet. Don’t give her any ideas.

Huh. I don’t think presidential immunity covers slander / libel.

Amalia is a pretty normal name. Millipied is Portman’s husband’s last name.