
There is a limited possibility that the Boondocks Ann Coulter is the real Ann Coulter...

Warren is 67. Four years from now she’ll be only a year older than our current President-elect. If she’s not mulling a presidential run, then for a Senator, that’s positively youthful, especially for a Democrat (on the Republican side, there’s a crop of relative youngsters, who tend to be teapartiesque).

Same (LSE grad here, used to do humanitarian field work). I applaud Angelina Jolie’s apparently serious and heartfelt involvement in these issues, which she is uniquely well positioned to spotlight to the general public, but there are literally thousands better-qualified individuals out there to teach at graduate

“Italian couples aren’t having children NOT because they’re not [...]”

The word you’re looking for is “oligarchy.”

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people. (To be clear: I mean the Lanvin owners.)

Oh! Yes. Honest Trailers haterade = high-quality haterade. No film was ever more deserving.

The Atlantic has a few articles on why “Love Actually” is the actual worst. (Too lazy to shorten URLs, sorry.)

It’s an honourable minority. We’re on the right side of history.

To be fair, it’s neither romantic nor a comedy, despite the (apparent) intention of its creators. #comeatmebro/sis

Children of Men. Great film, and he’s great in it. But then, he elevates everything he’s in.

Starring for the grammar nazism.

Meaning! [/chorus]

I will have to dream it, instead of being it.

Surely the classic Australian excuse for getting off the phone is “A dingo ate my baby”...

Was scrambling for gifs to make the very same comment.

Spoiler alert: the film sucks. (Sorry.)

Tom Hiddleston *is* a pretty good Hank Williams. The film, unfortunately, isn’t good.

Animaniacs, yes? Star for you, good sir / ma’am.

I’ve a simple proposal. Can we get rid of the metal detectors in the various Congressional buildings?