
Also, I thought I should mention - the cost of the TM course may vary by location. I don't know that it does, but another commenter mentioned a figure ($1500?) that is much, much higher than I remember it being (either $250 or $350) for the course that I took.

Oh, absolutely. Late to the party here, but plus-one'ing Marylee111's comments about the "fake geek girl" trope (and, of course, it goes well beyond gaming, into all sorts of geek cultures - coding, comics...). That line about pretending to be into WoW was probably intended as a throwaway joke, but...

This. Especially when WoW is awesome.

Yes. I was very skeptical, initially, but, to my complete surprise, have found it useful and effective. I took a class at a local TM center, which I would recommend - I am not sure how self-teaching TM would work. (I also found group meditation, during the class stage, very helpful.) Good luck!

Closing at the end of January, 7A is. I had no idea.

I love his early work (Sergio Leone, but also other Westerns), and am generally ambivalent about his recent output, both acting and directorial, but I didn't even see his last three films. His treatment of women in general isn't great, but the Locke story particularly resonates - I found his behind-the-scenes

His history with Sondra Locke just blew my mind when I first read about it. Haven't been able to watch a Clint movie since, to be honest, even though I am usually pretty good at separating the art from the douche canoe who created it.

This. All of this. In the immortal words of Roger Ebert, I hated, hated, hated this movie. Still do, when I am actively reminded of it.

Yes, but...

It's really just Slate, I think. They're like a website equivalent of Malcolm Gladwell: "That thing you thought is true? Totes not! Counterintuition FTW!"

I never made the connection between Brendan Gleeson and Domnhall Gleeson! You just blew my mind.

Yes, as well as (1) a glaring exception to the "attractive ginger" rule and a (2) talentless airwave menace.

He is very talented (I've only seen him on stage in Red, and he was terrific), but I can't help but think that he looks like a serial killer.

In other causation news (and this is entirely un-speculative), I refuse to pay for a NYT subscription, because they employ Douthat.

Was about to post the same thing. Noise-canceling headphones are lifesaving on planes. Tiny bottles of essential oils or Tiger Balm also work as smell-canceling methods. Own eyemasks help cancel out the unpleasant views, if any, and sleeping aids block out the rest of unpleasant sensations.

I will see your six-year-old for 3 hours, and raise you a 2-(or 3-?)-year-old for 13 hours, in a middle seat (I was in bulkhead row, in the middle of the 3-4-3 (or 2-4-2?) configuration). The kid's mother, who was next to me (i.e., in the other middle seat) promptly upon reaching cruising altitude, put the kid at our

Story time: last May, the kid sitting behind me on a flight was acting up, despite his mother's best efforts to calm him down (vigilant parents who make an effort: I salute you). Fortunately, sitting behind the kid was Richard Simmons. He sang "Over the Rainbow," chatted, joked, and generally entertained the kid

“I married first, won the Oscar before Olivia did, and if I die first, she’ll undoubtedly be livid because I beat her to it!” :)

That seems like such an odd, sad story. Do you know if they ever reconcile?

Off topic, but dark rye and pumpernickel are the best breads. I'd watch something about them, maybe. White eating some dark rye / pumpernickel toast with lox cream cheese and cucumber slices.