Mookie Bumboclot

Additionally, I’m concerned how a dramatized version might wind up whitewashing some of this.

I mean, the people behind the doc already admitted to downplaying some of Joe’s more...questionable aspects just getting us to this point, and frankly, even with the doc making him out to be a genuinely fucked up person with a

stop right the fuck there.

I know it’s been going on for a long time, but it’s still unreal to me how open they are about it these days. Like they traded whistles for air horns.

I agree with most of what you said, but come on, there are plenty of “non-youth” people in that photo. Boomers are refusing to follow the protocols, too. We had to have the talk with my mother-in-law last week and she’s a retired nurse.

In America, celebrities are treated as experts on all topics. Thats why we have a celebrity as president of the country. Its fucking stupid.

Literally the fucking people who were fearmongering over “socialist death panels” for seniors within extremely recent memory.

I get the impression that if it’s not a problem that can be Othered, they can’t even understand it as a problem at all.


I mean, you can’t be posting takes like this and not allowing comments!

Can both of them just commit to warren as VP? That way when either of them kick the bucket we get the clear best choice for president. 

Little known fact: Barrack Obama is not running for office in 2020.

The only thing Biden has on Bernie is Obama.

He shouldn’t apologize for that 9/11 tweet. That shit is true.

Can we really continue to pile on Bill Clinton for this after everyone rallied around Katie Hill for the same thing six months ago? Are affairs with subordinates bad or not?

Don’t forget his dear old dad’s first mention in the media for getting arrested at a Klan riot (1927):

I think he should stick to sports. 

You have to be kidding me. You’re going to report on some “racism problem” in the Sanders campaign based on the word of TEZLYN FIGARO!?! For those that aren’t familiar with this person, here’s an example of her wonderful opinions on diversity:

Why don’t you WATCH the movie like a regular person instead of shitting on something you haven’t seen? Fucking idiot.

The big white one goes over the little red hat, right?

My grandpa had late stage lung cancer as well (3 or 4 I’m not sure) which had spread to other organs by the time it was discovered. He lived for 6 weeks after his diagnosis. Let’s hope he’s gone faster than that.