Mookie Bumboclot

Prepare your shocked face when it’s revealed just where the stimulus is going.


Fair. I agree, truckers should be prepared to shoot people with guns. 

You’re right, those truckers should shoot those people. 

truck drivers traveling along Interstate 44 in Oklahoma have been some of his biggest customers

They probably meant that his state was one that would mirror someone who was high on methamphetamines next to a male escort that had OD-ed on methamphetamines.

Biden gets a case of indigestion and resigns in her favor...

Trump has that Mr Burns ailment, where he has every disease but they all just bump into one another and never cause him any issues. 

/turns on Eternal Atake 

In the land of no toilet paper, the Tushy man is king. 

I hope you’re referring to Trump and not Bernie.

Goddamit, we’re gonna have to hear about Hunter Biden for another few years now.

I don’t believe I referred to Bernie as a civil rights icon at any level, let alone to that of John Lewis.

In the entire history of America, white people have never initiated, supported or participated in, to a significant degree, in a single mass movement for freedom and equality for anyone other than white people.

Speaking of Hawaiian-looking c-listers from the 90's, Fox News was just on at my gym and when I glanced up Dean Cain was on screen interviewing fat idiots in a diner.

Sure, pal. 

Donald Trump is your daddy and you want him to kiss you on the mouth.

Here’s the first time Donald Trump was ever mentioned in the media. (1973)

Even with your health care system, it never even occurred to me that vaccines wouldn’t be free in the US.

“such a profound message this movie makes.” - millionaires at an awards show for other millionaires.