Mookie Bumboclot

+ 1024 planets

Yes, unbelievably hot. Penises are exploding everywhere for Mama June.

“I do like that.” - Colt McCoy

That’s a fair call. Though you’re asserting these different sports SHOULD have different rules to qualify the same 3 letters. I don’t think they should.

I don’t think you picked up what I was putting down.

No he didn’t, because this isn’t tennis.

Now playing

More importantly, that movie spawned one of the Simpsons’ greatest line deliveries.

More like “Dial B for Boner” amirite?

LeBron James probably would have just slapped a first responder’s kid in the face.

I’ve never done (and will never do) anything that cool in my life.

Everyone hates their boss.

The whatnow?


I share a name with a semi-successful racecar driver.

Trying to picture what would happen if a tape of Trump saying the n word surfaces, and I’m seeing nothing at all.

To you, answer man: How come we can put a man on the moon but can’t make my feet smell good?

I dunno if it’s just the scars but Guy Boucher strikes me as a man who you would not want to trifle with.

Imagine being that joyless of a person?