Yooka-Laylee is a bright and enthusiastic throwback to classic 3D platforming. It is adventurous and full of…
Eh, they’re not so bad. Given that they’ve taken up the mantle of political reporting since Gawker went away, I miss being able to make insightful and bitingly funny political comments.
well...considering how fat she bet is eat. ... ... ...probably has a deep fryer in her other hand.
Just get choking hazards recognized as GRAS ingredients, that’s what they do with everything else...
"I removed the seats to save on weight."
In fact: since I started this writing thing in 2013, I've met up with roughly 75 different Jalopnik readers – and the results of these meetings have ranged from "best friend" to "holy crap what excuse should I make to get out of here." In other words: in this world of social media and public profiles, the stigma of an…
Wow, this is wasteful. You could have donated that PT Cruiser and made a less fortunate person's life a little bit shittier.
I'm an atheist, but if I'm wrong, and if Christianity is right, I look forward to my own day of judgment when they review my life and say, "You were a good father and husband. You don't murder. You never steal. For the most part, you lived an honest life. However, you did say goddammit or Jesus Christ between…
Eh, it seems a lot less like a "MIND BLOWN" and more like a "MY BODY IS READY". Or even a "Here comes the sh*tstorm..."
Smoke from wildfires can be just as bad, if not worse. There was a nasty pileup in FL, not too long ago from it. I don't think it involved as many cars, but it had quite a few casualties.…
"___ just fucked us."
They didn't have anything to apologize for back when they ran the original strip. It's the "Fuck You, Rape Victims" attitude they demonstrated afterwards which they do need to apologize for. If you do something that offends people and you think you don't need to apologize, then you should shut the fuck up and ignore…