
I smoke and I feel like a complete and utter pariah, and I hate myself for continued failure in my attempts to quit. (I've been smoking for about 25 years.)

Great! That's very important work. Thank you for being willing to do it. :-)

Hey there. I know this is weird because it's the internet and all, but I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you. I'm glad you're still here. :-)

I'm sorry you have to deal with this, it sounds awful. I hope you can find something different soon.

Whatever works. :-)

This: Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems.

Yeah, that's heinous indeed. I agree with the others that you have the basis for a law suit.

Sadly, my story doesn't have a happy ending. Another employee and I went to a board member in June. The other employee even obtained letters from previous employees detailing the ED's horrible behavior. It backfired. In late July, we had a mandatory staff meeting where the FEMALE board president told us she knew

I'm sorry, did we work at the same place?? Was this a domestic violence/sexual assault agency in PA?? Because you just wrote my story! :-(

Except women are just as bad as/sometimes worse than men! At my most recent job (at a non-profit) there were so many issues with the executive director that 2 of us went to a board member to complain. 2 weeks later, there was a mandatory staff meeting where the female board president chalked our concerns up to the

I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years. He was previously married to a Brit and they lived in England from 2000-2004, then moved back to the states. (They split in 2009.) When I met him, he was STILL using Brit pronunciations and slang. It took me a lot of "Do you mean COMMERCIAL??" when he'd say "advert" (and so

Bwahaha at my last job, there was a co-worker who had spent a semester in Ivory Coast. I swear, she found a way to insert that into EVERY conversation. I started to tease her about it. She didn't much appreciate it. :P

You don't have anything to apologize for. I think your articles are fantastic, you shouldn't change a thing.

The wordiness is part of the fun, geez. I love Albert's articles. Even this one, although I won't touch cauliflower with someone ELSE'S ten-foot-pole. :-P

It's this....and it's pretty awful.

Fist bump. (Not too hard, though, my arthritis.)

Oh HELL to the No on Hormel et all. Deli peps please.

Likewise. Anyone who says "cut of your jib" is okay in my book! And plus, with a name like SchuTangClan, it's gotta be good.

I love your food articles! Hilarious yet informative. I've made a lot of lasagna in my day and never once with bechamel sauce. Next time for sure. One secret ingredient I almost always use: sliced pepperoni in there somewhere.

My boyfriend fancies himself a carpenter (note the sideboard that's all finished except two doors for the past 11 months), and he's always talking about building a giant bed. :-P