
Couldn’t you, like, google image “mauve” before writing that ?
Because it exactly is mauve ^^
Which is a pastel color inbetween pink and purple...
Which, yes, if you don’t include the weirdly named colors and just limit to the fundamentals, would fit nicely in the pink category.
But it’s still mauve.

Could definitely be a shade of mauve, too.

I’m not sure Pantone gets to be the arbiter on this. They may be recognized as the authority on color, but they have 12 colors with mauve in the name and none are just straight-up “mauve.”

Read the reviews before you come down here with your punditry about how reviews aren’t real reviews anymore, my dude. The reviewers are pretty clear that Dirt is a bad novel, in large part, because the stereotypes are so bad and so prevalent. You can’t excuse that kind of racism and view the writing apart from it when

Its from a funny Azealia Banks meme

Is Joe Biden okay?

CNN now has him at 27 (up 7) overtaking Biden (down 2 at 24) for the first time nationally. It’s one poll, so certainly nothing definitive, but it’s one where Sanders has never led, can’t exactly be characterized as designed in his favor, and had clear trend lines, so I don’t think your framing is particularly

This is ... wildly out of touch.

Lol you said this yesterday too and it hasn’t gotten any more correct in the intervening 24 hours (also might wanna check recent polling if you’re holding to that “can’t break 20% nationally” narrative).

He delayed running in 2015 to get Warren to run; he ran after she refused to. He got a lot of momentum going but couldn’t close. He then campaigned for Hillary, including in at least one swing state that she herself didn’t go to. He did 28 more events for her than she did for Obama.

Because the principles Sanders fights for are also being fought in the Democratic primary by ______________

Can we, as a society, just stop fucking asking her about anything? Please?

Hilary Clinton had her chance. It went to hell in a handbasket. Can she please just go away now? I don’t like to be reminded of that election and she’s just making things worse.

But the dirty campaigning and "never the other Democrat" was fine when her campaign did it.

Respectfully, I think Obama’s finest act will have been to pave the way for more-determined reformers like Bernie. Obama, for better or worse, accepted the rules of the game as offered, and played the game as well as it can be played. And to his credit, he did a lot of good for a lot of people with the political

His tepid endorsement of Hilary

Also, can you imagine how much of an insane shitfit liberals would be in if Bernie at all implied he wouldn’t support whoever the nominee ends up being?

Tepid support for Hillary?

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

The hand-wringing over the “Never Hillary” guys is so disingenuous considering Clinton had her own group of backers (PUMA) that did the thing they’re claiming Bernie’s supporters do, but just back in ‘08.