Remember when her campaign leaked photos starting the whole "secret Muslim" thing? Can she just... not? What is this even hoping to accomplish? If she couldn't be president, no Democrat ever will?
Remember when her campaign leaked photos starting the whole "secret Muslim" thing? Can she just... not? What is this even hoping to accomplish? If she couldn't be president, no Democrat ever will?
Cardi B, noted drugger of people, violent attacker of women, transphobe, and also ... noted recipient of dozens of fawning articles on Jezebel, which mention none of those things. What is it about Cardi B that seems to keep her from being "cancelled"?
Oh, her supporters saying that are in these very threads.
Plenty of Warren supporters are also on that train. Someone on another thread talked about “what she said Bernie said” and... she actually hasn’t said what he said! She just said they disagreed, which leaves a big Venn diagram of things he could have said. Some of his side is trying to claim she’s a liar when she…
Agreed, except I also think there’s a non-zero possibility that Warren herself at the time understood those comments as innocuous in the context of Sanders’ behavior and support for Warren, and the Warren camp (with Warren’s blessing) now decided to spin those comments into their ugliest version for tactical reasons.…
It wasn’t a debacle, it was an extended lie, one perpetuated throughout her life on official documentation, without reaching out to indigenous communities decimated by Settler Colonialism (which is how the Warrens ended up in Oklahoma), that ought to at least give pause to someone vetting a political official.
You’re not completely wrong but at the same time it was Warren who decided to make this an issue and double down on it a month before the first primary. I have to think this was done out of political calculation because she’s falling behind in the polls, and I suspect it’s already backfiring on her. It’s a mess all…
What’s also clear is that Sanders has calculated (foolishly) that he has more to gain by implying that Warren is a liar than he does in finding the incredibly easy out that says he said it but did not mean it in the way it was perceived—and wishes he had been more conscious of how the sentiment would be perceived in…
For some reason she’s been caught in a few little fibs about her life story, which were totally unavoidable. It’s disappointing because her real story (white woman who had two parents who did not elope, was a republican and sent a kid to private school) are all teachable moments about the nature of white privilege,…
Have to say that my first reaction is “Oh crap. This is just going to hand us Biden as a candidate.” Which I don’t want, partly because I perceive Biden as serving my interests least. If, after all, your entire campaign pitch is “let’s return to the normal Obama years!”, I am forced to remember that the “normal” Obama…
I think the false claim of indigenous ancestry is far more insidious than you are painting it out to be by linking to only the criticism of her decision to take the DNA test. I like Liz, but she has a lot more to answer for there than falling for DJT’s trap.
How does an unequivocal denial constitute being evasive in his response?
Eh, where did Sanders make the first move?
There was a #RefundPete a few weeks ago that a lot of the different candidates supporters took part in.
They’re not vying for the same demographic of supporters tho.
Well now the WashingtonPost is saying a source that was present during the meeting says Bernie didn’t say that.
“In my view a woman could be elected president of the United States.” — Bernie Sanders, 1988
“Bernie said a woman couldn’t win...but you guys! I have nothing left to say about this meeting, don’t ask me!” I see you Liz, I see you. I believe you, but I see you.