
And yet it would still somehow come in under 2 litres ;-)

You have a gift, my friend.

He would’ve killed you. Then it would’ve been his WR-18 idea.

That’s just 2 dominos man

Or you could get 4 old race cars AND a tow rig.

Pour out a quart of 5W40 on your driveways in honor of the man who lead one of the greatest expansions in Automotive history. Without him we wouldn’t have the: V10 TDi, VR6, W8, W12, or W16.

Wow. RIP to a nutty fella with a serious auto career.

Only compare the price of diesel to premium, because if you weren’t driving a diesel VW it would be a GTI.  

The best security feature is to simply drive a car that nobody else wants. So, I think you’re stuck with it.

I dunno but I bet a standard shipping container would work as a decent Faraday cage.

Wait, you didn’t want people sitting in the front? That’s one of the main reasons I choose Uber over taxis. Easier communication, better view, better seat.

That’s a slope I want us to slide down... 

It’s a slippery slope...

The Ford “Nite” edition Bronco and F-150 of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s were always a favorite of mine. Simple, and worked well with the black paint.

I’m also partial to the 106 Rallye graphics. And those wheels.

I have to admit, no amount of scandal can deter me from my love of another cheater, the Cayenne Diesel.

I’ve owned one. Drove it 78,000 miles. Never had a problem. I kept up on oil changes and fills, pre-mixed, warmed it up properly every time I drove it, took it to redline every time I drive it (critical for Wankel health), and let it cool properly before shutting it off every time. I’ve owned four Mazda rotaries in

Current A6 TDI owner. They just sent out a new recall two weeks ago, In short O2 sensor was put in wrong place for the fix. Everyone is getting new DPFs with another extended warranty. I haven’t had any problems with a CEL so I’ll wait and hold out till last second for the new DPF. And diesel is cheaper then regular

I too rise barely an inch when activated.