
I always thought diesels were cheaper to maintain (my parents had a ‘85 Peugeot 505 Turbo Diesel) due to no timing chain or spark plugs/distributor. Am I missing something here?

A coffin looks classier than a roller coaster, that doesn’t mean I’d rather spend time in a box.

Well you need to figure out which parameter you really care about.

They went from 44mpg to 42mpg *reported*. It was a poorly kept secret that VW Diesels regularly saw better than 50mpg in the real world. Another irony from this is that, while their smog emissions were out of spec, their CO2 emissions were actually so much lower because of this. In all, if global warming is your main c

I’d expect this of BMW.

More than half of my deals on a monthly basis are pre-owned.

I think you mean Reno. Phoenix really isn’t that bad. 

I ignore my neighbors anyway.  Having a Subway next door wouldn’t be bad though.

Hatchbacks are the bundles of the  automotive world. 

Why? I was shooting before I was able to hold one up by myself. The difference is that my father instilled in me a healthy respect for firearms. He had (and still has) many different firearms. He always told me I could shoot any one that I wanted to, but I just had to ask and we’d go to the range, no problem. We

That’s a shitload of downforce.

Those hatchbacks are glamorous. Only rich people use two extra, unnecessary wheels!

hate to come back from a long comment hiatus just to say this but man, this is a bad headline

Yeah, that I can’t understand.

OK, but if you drive somewhere, park it, and it rains, water then goes into the muffler? Seems like idiotic engineering to me.

If COTD were still a regular thing, this would deserve it.  Well played!

He’s got blinker fluid!!!

Usually the new engines don’t need the break in. The transmission and the diff are a different story though. 

That’s an immediate tow from my perspective. And putting a little pebble in the valve stem cap as well.