Except they ghetto fix cars. Spray paint. Refurb’d parts. Some of their fixes (at least on the earlier seasons) were seriously suspect.
Except they ghetto fix cars. Spray paint. Refurb’d parts. Some of their fixes (at least on the earlier seasons) were seriously suspect.
USAF? Don’t other branches of the armed forces call it the Chair Force for a reason?
I make it a point to remain seated with my hat on my head at every Ravens game when they play Lee Greenwood’s redneck pride anthem “Proud to be an American.” No, I don’t need to stand and participate. No, its not rude to talk through it. Its a stupid ass country song, nothing more.
Of course you don’t have to stand for God Bless America, do what ever you want, that’s the deal. If you feel like you have to stand, than you are the problem. If other people get mad, that is their problem.
you are a sociopath. fuck you
What about the 300 million guns already in private hands? Confiscate them? Go door to door? If you're going to repeal the 2nd amendment, be prepared to repeal the 4th and 5th as well.
you are completely insane and have no idea how the world works. I kind of feel sorry that you live in such a bubble that you think it is even possible to ban all guns, let alone a smart decision.
Yes make guns illegal. Then the criminals who keep their guns can kill all of us law abiding citizens. Great plan!
This has nothing to do with guns. People who want to kill will kill. What has really happened is America has lost the war against the lawyers that defend the mentally ill.
Do you also believe that there should be no Free Speech on the internet? Because, you know, computers and the internet weren’t around in 1791.
1.) Sure, let’s do that. Do we then send Police door-to-door to confiscate all the millions of guns out there?
Honestly, if they wanted to limit gun ownership to people in militias, the easiest workaround is to start creating civilian militias that you pay a membership to join. I imagine they’d do most of their advertising in gun shops, trade shows and magazines, and the people who want to own guns will all be members or this…
By that logic, freedom of the press should only apply to people who publish old timey broadsheets on physical paper. This is the type of discussion that doesn’t help the issue - just straight up say you want to ban all guns and leave it at that. It’s more intellectually honest.
...whether the amendment to the Constitution that explicitly states (go read it) that people who are in militias can own guns also means that people who are not in militias can own guns, and if so, whether and which citizens should own guns. Most of these opinions will be the incorrect opinion.
Yeah, and all those amendments that ensure the right to due process, freedom of association, and freedom of speech were also authored by people okay with slavery. Better ban those as well, since they also don’t translate to 2015 America.
That argument always makes me cringe. Who would enforce the ban? And once in place, who would actually abide by the new law? I bet people who pose no danger and are law abiding citizens would turn in their guns, but would gang members, drug dealers, criminals, mentally disturbed and anti-authoritarian individuals be…
Stop. I’m not a gun advocate, but this is the type of response that shuts down any type of discussion just as fast as “BUT IT’S IN THE CONSTITUTION”.
How about YOU sign up to be the guy who goes door-to-door, demanding Americans give up the guns in their possession?
What makes you think it is that easy? Can you name one thing a government has tried to ban that has been effectively banned? I’ve been asking this question for years now and no one has come up with an answer. Give it a shot.