
That’s about $7,000 a month (if my assumption is correct that you meant $250/day). Yep, can confirm - could live off that and never work another day in my life.

I’m 100% all for idiot insurance, i’d also take that insurance in the form of the annuity payments

Using math far more complicated than my feeble little mind can grasp, how would you do investing the annuity payments (which, IIRC, Mega Millions sets at a 5% annual increase) and getting slowly-increasing compound interest on those at a constant rate of return?

I am also an immigrant but just a legal one who went through the painful and lengthy process of visa, green card and eventually citizenship. Everything I have heard so far from this administration is supportive to the current or even broader legal immigration. A reasonable debate should be how do we work to expand our

How many unicorns flew outta your butt when they voted themselves raises?

“To remove the president from office, both houses must vote, by a two-thirds majority, that the president is unable to discharge the duties of the office.”

Lack of communication skills does not constitute mental aptitude.

Listen, I’m all for second chances...

Bill Clinton was the most crooked, dishonest president in American history and still get to finish his term after being impeached. Why would you want to remove a President who is actually keeping - or trying to keep - the promises he campaigned on?

Ridiculous article; you continue to show why 1/2 the country thinks the left is hysterical, unhinged, and incapable of presenting any platform other than hating Trump. I gave up on and quit the GOP nearly a decade ago, and have open-mindedly voted across the aisle since then. Now though, it will be a cold day in hell

I already knew who wrote this article before opening it and I was correct.  No need to read the rest of the article.

Based on his version of the events versus what is being reported based on the court documents, it certainly doesn’t seem like he’s even admitted what he actually did, much less express remorse or try to atone for it.

President Trump has also reportedly been updated on the situation, though everyone knows he’s probably just glued to the TV and fixated on whatever Fox News is currently pumping into his brain.

Actually, it is a public company.

Why would I believe he knows Jack Shit?

Obviously this dude Drejka should be in jail.

That dude who held people hostage in that Trader Joe’s survived. Sometimes black folks survive to go to jail.  Hell, if they were to shoot every black person who is out here accused of crimes, a lot of folks would lose money and the Prison For Profit pipeline would fall apart. 

If he acted as a decent citizen and not parked in a handicap space and thus not had a “reason” for him to assault the gunman, he’d be alive. It roughly reminds me of that black woman who was stopped for a traffic violation in Dallas, taken into custody, and ended up dying in jail—WTF?

Those countries are better than just about anything in Africa.

Who was a big player in WWI? The Ottoman Empire? Oh you mean that empire that existed in what used to be Byzantine Anatolia and Thrace/Constantinople? And conquered and controlled large parts of Europe for centuries? And enslaved millions of Europeans and

White people should leave South Africa if they can.