
If you have an electric vehicle, why the worry over the software? There’s no emissions to cheat on there.  Does it self drive?

You can’t win if you don’t play.  Even one ticket gives you a chance.

Many moons ago I entered a radio station contest and won a days interest on a million dollars. It was in the 1980's so I’m not sure on the interest rate. The payout was around $250 which even today isn’t too shabby for doing nothing.

The problem here is Tesla stubbornly refuses to let go of the cylindrical battery cells. They stack thousands of them right next to each other and then bend a copper cooling bar to run in between then with some thermal tape. It really looks like a high school project.

Don’t Scotts wear kilts?

You won’t fry the ceramics. It’s what they’re made for.

You really need a hobby. All that hate is going to eat you up.

If you don't have anything nice to say, shut the fuck up.

Train horns. Takes care of inattentive pedestrian traffic nicely.

I can’t even do this across the parking lot at the shop with a man on the jack handle. Bravo, intrepid Blazer owner. Bravo.

You won’t do torque vectoring without a motor on each wheel. Both those Chevy axles have open differentials and one motor per.

You dropped your cloak of annonynminity.

The Model S and The 1st gen Volt are roughly from the same era. I haven’t looked into a Bolt or a Model 3 pack although I hear Weber Auto did a deep dive on the Bolt battery.

This is a good read on the two.

Looking at how Tesla cools their batteries vs GM in the Volt is laughable. Gm is using pouch cells sandwiched between two cooling plates covering the entire surface area. Tesla has a bent copper bar and some tape wound around a billion AA batteries. Looks like a high school project.

Well aren’t you opressed. Lawd have Mercy!

Get a Volt. They depreciate like crazy (You buy it to drive it, not sell it.) so they can be had cheap, they’re overbuilt like mad, and get outstanding economy without all the tree huggy stigma of other hybrids. I drive 2,000 miles a month, plug in every night and fill up every two weeks ($15 each fill up of 9 gal

We’re tired of pulling your wagon.

She had to have left the car running. You can get in and drive off without the fob. On remote start, which only works with a locked vehicle, even if you were able to get in the car it would shut off as soon as you touch the brake to put it in gear.

The Volts power train is physically incapable of driving the wheels from the engine alone, unless the planetary welded itself together. You have to understand how a planetary gearset works to get it but you always need 2 things, a power input and a holding element or brake to get output from it. The sun gear is