Noble Henchman

You’ve never ridden a motorcycle on a public road before, have you?

Why are you suggesting she doesn’t deserve to be fined for breaking the law and driving dangerously? If she had merged properly she wouldn’t have been punished financially.

Good. That's what she deserves. That's exactly what traffic tickets/fines are for. Hopefully she has learned a lesson.

...the foul-mouthed biker, who probably could have easily just let off the throttle and tucked back into the lane, especially since—when the lanes started to actually merge—it looked like the Honda was half a car-length ahead.

I love how following the law is not enough if you’re riding a moto. Now you have to be nice to every person that doesn’t follow the law, or you’re somehow an asshole or aggro biker.

I watched it again, and while I agree that he was a shit-poor defensive driver, I think she absolutely was aggressive. It wasn’t the “swerving into your lane” aggressive, but it was absolutely “ignore eye contact while using the mass of my vehicle to force you to submit” passive aggressiveness. He’s honking and she’s

Interestingly, I came here expecting the biker was of the superiority-complex variety that I often see here, but I come away on his side. Easiest thing for him to do was to simply let her in, no question. But, his horn, and her window down, make it very clear to me that she was aware of what she was doing. He may be a

Yup, you are right, he could have simply just let her by, and it would have been a non-event. At the same time, she viewed him on the motorcycle as a sub-human, and decided that her day would be greatly improved if she pushed someone into oncoming traffic.

He acted better than I would have. Also when an article uses the word “snitch” it makes it seem like the motorcyclist did something wrong. A couple weeks ago I was in a traffic jam when i saw the guy in the car next to me chugging a miller high life who then proceeded to try to merge into the side of my car. Hell yeah

Dick about it? Rightfully so.

No. SHE rode in tandem with HIM. After seeing her error, instead of backing off and slipping in behind him, she CONTINUED to drive in his right of way.

How calm would you be everytime some asshole in a car almost runs you off the road or out of your lane and think’s its no big deal. Guess what, if she apologized all would be well. Ignoring the problem and acting as though nothing is wrong pisses anyone on a bike even more. Mistakes are made, no one ever bothers

Really? Going to the authorities instead of kicking her mirrors off and assaulting her isn’t going to change the perception of bikers?

Ummm...maybe she'll check her mirrors next time?

You know what? I’ve been a motorcyclist for 30 years of my life, and I’ve encountered that very situation countless times over the years. I’ve been hit, bumped, had trash thrown at me, windhield washers turned on me, and also, every now and again, have drivers intentionally push me out of my lane, just like that lady

it’s warfare out there for riders these days. almost like trying to engage a trump supporter without letting your blood pressure rise...

None of these guys are worth the contracts they signed. Fantastic.