Noble Henchman

I think together you have a solution to your problems.

And that’s why he has to have a roommate.

Its also a middle finger to the morons at the RNC this week who are STILL talking about those bailouts from 8 years ago...

It’s the other way around. Take your chances with her than Trump. Hillary is not perfect, and is a lying sack of shit politician, just like all politicians.

I am curious as to why she thinks native Zambians think angels would have long blonde hair.

Becky with the long angel hair?

I was using the whole trope of people who think Africa is a country, not a continent.

She obviously thought no one would notice.

Can’t help but lol at the title and the lack of understanding the recent gizmodo writers have if technology and users of said technology.

if only the GIF had the suspenseful audio

I’ll wait for the video footage on this one.

Santucky! ;)

OMG, why do people back down from this? I would travel to court every day for a month to ensure this man went to jail. I mean come one, dude tried to murder you on the side of the road for NO REASON, he needs a nice stay in one of California’s terrible correction facilities. This is why people are hyper aggressive on


That idiot on the field is the most interesting thing to happen after 90 minutes of both teams showing no interest in winning.

When are the big companies and USOC going to learn to just let it go? I’ve never heard of Oiselle but good for them for sponsoring some of the lesser known athletes. The big companies let a winner slip through their grasp so now nobody can celebrate the athlete’s success? I probably am not the market for Oiselle, but

I believe that whole heartedly, but it happens everywhere. Look at the Catholic Church same exact thing. Stop protecting people who don't deserve your protection

I remember seeing a stat mot long after Tamir Rice’s murder that 83% of police brutality complaints were filed against 6% of the cops.

A car with a bunch of quality parts is “fart canned up”