Noble Henchman

Um, ***NO ***... that is what a suspension is for.

The suspension is what is designed/ supposed to soak up road irregularities, not the frame.

They were ugly when they were brand new and have only become more hideous and less graceful with time.

Crack of dawn pipe.

Loving the DCT in my Africa Twin.

That exhaust screams “the designer is trying too hard.”

When someone puts YOUR life at risk, I believe you’re entitled to use all the swear words, and even a few new ones.

If he was in a car, I would say he over reacted, however being on a bike means being exposed, and someones “innocent” inattentiveness could mean your death.

Yes sir!

Good. Next time she will pay attention.

This, a million times.

Nonsense; he has EVERY right to be pissed. She could have killed him with her absent mindedness.
He is not being a dick about it, he is righteously upset.

I firmly believe that if your lane change or merge results in the driver in that lane having to brake to avoid you, or to maintain their “brake space” then the lane change/ turn/ merge was not appropriate.