
Oh, I didn't. I really disliked her, but it's a small department and I didn't want to rock the boat. Plus, we're the only two Jews in the entire university.

They're too busy fapping over at the Matt Walsh Blog.

The secret is to be really rich and famous, or at least more handsome than handsome, and you can get away with all kinds of horrible shit. Even if you don't get away with it, people will always take your side.

What if she says she wants to be friends, then spends the remainder of your acquaintanceship telling you to fuck off, badmouthing you to colleagues, and staring at you from across rooms?

Not really. My parents lived well within their means. I mean, they definitely weren't cheapskates; hell, I even went to private school; but growing up I was under the impression that we were poorer than we really were.

Then why did the author capitalize the term?

I'm not saying that; I realize that not all sibling relationships are to die fore, just that there are different problems that aren't necessarily related to the quality of your family.

Yeah, Boyle's a masochist, not a sexual predator.

True. And both characters are strong enough not to need that kind of development.


Don't. Being an only child is a doorway to all kinds of social dysfunction (that's assuming that you had no extended family or neighbours your own age)

I always learned never to mix the two.

Indeed. Kristina wonders why Max doesn't want her to chaperone? Maybe it's because YOU'RE AWFUL.

I think simply modifying his behaviour in the future would be a more appropriate response. Constantly trying to make up for past mistakes often comes from the same place that caused the person to make them.

I have no idea what Ross saw in Rachel. That was the kind of obsession even awkward nerdy guys get over in high school.

Let's please, please, please retire the term "Nice Guy." To anybody not in the know, it makes you sound like an alpha male piece of shit.

Let's please, please, please retire the term "Nice Guy." To anybody not in the know, it makes you sound like an alpha male piece of shit.

Did you also have those monthly order forms that they sent out to every school?

Hearing Animorphs being described in relation to adolescence is really bizarre to me. I was really into them at age 9, which was around the time the books peaked in popularity. The idea of becoming something you weren't resonated very strongly with a neurotic only child like myself. To an extent it still does.

This is why being an only child sucks.