
Another rule: all teams that play in the Badlands are called the Browns. Hockey, base ball, whatever. They are the Browns. Browns vs. Browns. Fans are forced to wear brown at the stadium.

If a bunch of people start watching the first two seasons of The Expanse on Amazon, I wonder if that will affect their decision.

Legion is great and it’s super fucking weird — of course it will get canceled.

The Expanse being canceled is very very surprising to me.

I am still raging hard about The Expanse. The fans of this show are amazing though, they funded a flying banner to be flown over Amazon HQ TWICE asking them to #savetheexpanse. I feel like it will probably all be for naught but I still love everyone involved in this show, from creators to fans.

The Expanse is maybe the best sci-fi show in over a decade, on any network. SyFy cancelling it makes no sense, but I’m glad it wasn’t their production and it can be shopped around.

We don’t deserve something as amazing as Legion. If it ends now honestly I won’t be sad because it’s a miracle we got it in the first place.

I can’t hold it against someone’s brain not allowing them to remember that Paltrow has a damn Oscar.

Who are you people who just keep cans of whole tomatoes around in your pantry? Are you people with huge fucking pantries?

I swear, every time someone is like “Rather than buying A, just throw together X, Y, and Z.” and I maybe have one of the ingredients available in my pantry. And I like cooking and do it often! My

Flip flops are fine anywhere if your name is Cameron.

Having been thrown out of the Rogue One movie by CG Tarkin, and then completely DUPED by the amazing Rachael in Blade Runner 2 (Electric Boogaloo) I’m torn on this. One one hand I can see people being CG-averse. Why does he need to look like exactly the same actor? Suspension of belief is a thing that exists.

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That guy already exists. Meet Anthony Ingruber, who played a young Harrison Ford in Age of Adeline:

This is a very good comment. Thank you.

I want the Warriors to win, but more than that, I want to see elimination game James Harden. I love nothing more than watching him slowly loaf to either end of the floor throwing up bricks that could be airballs, while he stares off glassy eyed and coughs up double digit turnovers.

This (somewhat crude) application of technology is why I’m torn about the Solo movie.

Why, you could almost say that not all isolations are equal.

I think maybe you didn’t actually read beyond the headline of yesterday’s post? It wasn’t a call for the teams’ respective role players to be erased from the series. It was, very specifically, a call for the teams not to employ third-brain defensive schemes that prevented the stars from ever guarding each other.

Exactly. The entire league, including the players, have incentive to get Lebron to the Finals every year. Four years of Raptors-Jazz in the finals would leave everybody broke. This is why the Raptors nobly step aside each season.

“Listen, and understand. That fans are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you do what they want.”

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I foresee a William Shatner “Get A Life” moment from him...say July?