
No bad feelings. I am positive this is going to suck 100%, but it will definitely be a better movie than the disaster that is Ep8.

Welp, yet another shining proof of me not knowing what the hell i’m talking about.

I still think Ant Man turned out pretty good. Definitely in my Top Marvel alongside Black Panther and the first Guardians.

I haven’t seen anything from Alden that makes me buy that he is going to turn into Harrison Ford in 10 years never mind being able to embody the character of Han Solo. At this point I am seeing this movie because it looks fun but I don’t think it is going to be a favorite Star Wars movie.

I had zero interest before any of the trailers. Then after seeing the desaturated colors that are usually used to hide bad cgi, my interest remained at zero. Nothing in the trailers appealed to me — not the characters, the visuals, nothing.



Darth Maul

... for the sole purpose to sell toys. Hey, let’s also add some LED billboards to the death star, that should bring more money! Or how about putting some Nascar stickers on the DeLorean!

After being a Star Wars fan all my life, I have no interest in any new Star Wars films because of all the unnecessary ‘fan service’ shoved into each new film.

If I don’t like a movie, I leave. That simple. But I did say I’ll give it a chance to grab me on it’s own merits. If it doesn’t and I’ve seen Donald Glover on screen for the last time, I’m out like a Scout on a new route.

I’ll watch it. My biggest fear is that it will answer questions nobody really needed to answer. We’ve seen Han’s full arc from somewhat young rebel to old, grizzled rebel so adding a chapter before that is always treacherous.


I’m only seeing it for Donald Glover. If his role noticeably ends before the end of the movie, and it hasn’t grabbed me enough on it’s own merits to keep watching, I’m leaving.

This is the best Deadspin post ever, and I say that as a long-time Deadspin fanboy.

Coincidentally, Jeremy Lin’s nickname in China is Gary


I might also add Team America, which gets most of its laughs from teasing action-movie formula.

The exchange about Topper reading Great Expectations, but “it’s not what I hoped for” is so subtle I didn’t pick up on it until maybe the 10th time I saw it.

Not sure what you’d consider recent, but Walk Hard is a fantastic spoof of musical biopics. It works both as a spoof and as a film in its own right.

I can’t believe all the fargin’ iceholes on this thread forgot about Johnny Dangerously.

I maintain that the turn of the Millennium represented the nadir in modern cultural history. In TV we saw the unholy rise of the ‘reality show’ and, its close relative, the ‘talent’ show, fashion was dominated by the size zero/anorexic Rachel Zoe look, the musical charts were being topped by boy bands and Lolita-like