
Yeah, instead of the post-game press conference Lebron should be taking questions from the moving company he already hired.

He’ll be the face of the franchise when LeBron leaves this summer!

It’s truly a shame we’ll never know just how good the Supersonics would’ve been because Clay Bennett III is a lying dipshit.

Watching tonight’s game, man, the suspense was killing me! Okay, I’m exaggerating. The suspense was putting me to sleep and making me wish I was dead.

It seems like he’s doing pretty OK for himself.

What, like LeBron and “the Decision” to sell out to the Heat?

I don’t know.

Amen. That was some shit writing on Syd’s character.

I thought that was very reason she attacked him, to get his power. It seemed fairly obvious. The real question is what happens when David kills the minotaur not knowing that Syd’s in it?

This is my first truly disappointing episode of Legion because they made Syd into a COMPLETE AND UTTER MORON TO MAKE THE STORY WORK! My god that is some shit writing even The CW Shows would cringe at. Barry Allen would look at her and wonder “WTF!?!” For Farouk’s plan to work, she’d have to forget literally every.

There’s actually one person in the world who cares about how Willy Wonka wasn’t allowed to sit at the cool table in high school and the cheerleaders didn’t dig him and his parents didn’t understand him so he went out and stole a Magic Box of Candy and enslaved the Oompa-Loompas? Fascinating.


I’m almost certain that Ant-Man and The Wasp will have a post-credits scene in which The Wasp turns to dust.

Legion feels like a wish granted by an evil genie that they just worked around. “Yes, you can have 100% control over this character, but you won’t have a budget, hahaha!” And the Legion people just made it really weird.

Who the fuck wants a Willy Wonka origin story. The biggest fucking waste of money I’ve ever heard.


So the abandoned asylum, then.

Every Adventure Has A Beeginning.

I choose to read that as “Every adventure has a beginning bumblebee”

To position them in place, the ancient Polynesians rocked the large figures back and forth in a walking motion, similar to how we might move a heavy refrigerator today. Some of these statues were fitted with large hats, called pukao, made from red scoria, a material that was sourced from a different quarry located