
@MajorGroove: Or keep hens as they will eat anything and you'll get fresh eggs every day!

@Dogen: Well at least they don't have a Great White Shark ruining the tourist trade.

NRA statement: If the groom's father and aunts had also been carrying guns then this would not have happened.

But a large part of the success of the British version is because the three presenters have such different personalities which provides a bit of conflict even if some of it is fake, whereas these guys all seem pretty similar so....

@Denver: Are those women in porn films actually acting? :)

@Ian Taylor: And that will be the only way that you'll be able to get a decent signal.

I remember reading a story about a Japanese businessman who had the misfortune to be in Hiroshima when they dropped the bomb. He was injured, but managed to make his way back to his home town. Unfortunately his home town was Nagasaki and so he had to endure a second atomic bomb detonation! Unbelievably he also

@Snake_Plissken: Why bother when there's plenty of moisture that can be extracted from elephant dung?

@Skid-Vicious: No but for the Platinum service Mr Sahota will wear a bikini while he is cleaning your car.

And the guy has a double bed? "Come up to my bedroom darling, I've got something impressive to show you!"

@LukeDukem: I like the use of the word husky to describe the larger lady! Perhaps that's one you can use on your girlfriend without being slapped.

@pugz77: It's the killing of civilians by the military that puts the lives of servicemen/women at risk, not Wikileaks revealing the fact that that it is going on.

@pinshot: WW2 was never about protecting the Jews. Most people were kept in the dark as to exactly what the Nazi's were doing to the Jews. It was the occupation of large swathes of Europe that was the motivating force for the Allies.

@ding-dang: Costner has the solution to both of the water problems.

Government contractor screws the taxpayer, thieves screw the contractor. It's the circle of life....

At least she didn't press the button that winds in Katie's leash.