
@Mark 2000: Yep, I've always thought it was better in the original Aliens the way that when they are approaching LV-426, we've no idea what it's going to look like.

@dambo29: Well I'd recommend buying one from one of the big manufacturers such as Honda,Yamaha etc and not one of these cheap Chinese brands, even if that means buying second hand.

@roguedandelion: I was just going to say, was Michael Cera not available?

@theycallmearex: Perhaps it was a buy one get one free offer? :)

£3.8 billion or Best Offer.

@dfxdeimos: Yet they still seem to find it very easy to kill our troops.

@Arken: Yeah, they should have got Time Team to help out the Police.

I bet that Apple are going to call it Cerebro....

Wasn't part of the reason for GM's problems the fact that it concentrated too much on producing gas guzzlers? Well a new Corvette is certainly going to stop that happening again isn't it!

And to think that he has people who get paid to think up that crap. I bet they only got the job because he's sleeping with them.

@FlawedHero: Indeed! She obviously knows what kind of thing that the Giz members like!

So now we know, it was the lack of any Coinstar machines that caused the downfall of the Roman Empire.

@kylecpcs: The US only built that stuff because of the Cold War and now it's over, so....

@bunfoo: Have you not got the Life And Soul of A Party App?

@gabrielsmiles: That reminds me, when does Total Recall come out on Blu-Ray?

@dragonfang18: Or how about a strip of gold pressed latinum?

I bet he played the Paperboy video game when he was a kid.

And by June 22 1948 their little brother had scratched it.