
I get the impression that he doesn’t want to address the fact that a black man carried out an unprovoked hate crime on a white man which is not an uncommon event, especially in New York.

You do know it’s the BLM/Antifa protestors who are the ones acting like Hitler’s brownshirts?

There was even a plan for a space rocket powered by atomic bombs before liquid fuelled rocket technology was invented.

I know that this information might be new to some younger Stars Wars fans, but I remember seeing a Making Of ROTJ type TV show about thirty years ago, where they showed exactly how they filmed those scenes.

Perhaps it just wanted to make a trunk call.....

Yeah, the album came out over a year ago, but you still can't buy it on the UK Google Music shop for some reason!

If he gives back the millions of dollars that he was given for making decisions like this then we'll all stop criticizing him, but until then....

That's because Apple have patented that month.

The best thing would be if game developers didn't insist on some games being in the drive when you play them, so you could just use an external USB drive for installation.

I bet they didn't think that Gredo would shoot first in the year 2000.

Thank you for making me laugh.

Go home? You mean go back to the tiny dorm you share with eight others?

I wonder exactly whose decision it was to buy aQuantive in the first place and how soon will they get kicked off the board?

I know that American spells labour as labor, but the political party is always spelt as the Labour Party.

So you'd be happy to consume some DU dust just to prove how harmless it is?

On August 6, 2001 the CIA gave the Bush administration a briefing that stated that Bin Laden was determined to attack in the US. Did you never read that story in Newsweek about how pre 9/11 anti-terrorism wasn't even on the agenda for the Bush appointed Attorney General John Ashcroft, never mind it being a priority!

Indeed, CEO renumeration levels are the world's biggest circle jerk.

But when will Tim lead them to the Promised Land (Cupertino)?

I suspect that he gets all of his entertainment from just staring at her boobs. Or is that just me?

Indeed, I was just going to say that it looks like it was designed by Mr Anderson.