The corporate overlords forcing you to make these things knows that the whole “pivot to video” was a result of Facebook straight up lying about their numbers, right?
The corporate overlords forcing you to make these things knows that the whole “pivot to video” was a result of Facebook straight up lying about their numbers, right?
I get it, your overlords demand a certain volume of video content. Throw two paragraphs after the embed at the least.
Ill just hope this is written somewhere because i’m def not watching a video.
Why is this a video?
Why is there no accompanying text to even indicate if this is a new report or something you’ve also written about? If the former, why? If the latter, why?
Worse. Slideshows are bad, but can be read through without sound. Videos without text can’t, making them worse.
They’re not—because the world is absolute garbage and beyond saving. Nobody responsible for anything like this will face consequences that measure up to their offense. I’d give anything to be wrong, but I don’t feel like I am.
Came here to say exactly this. I want to spend an awful lot of time just “being” in all of these images.
I need this to be a game STAT :)
Thank you Brian. I just learned that you are taking another path in life and I will greatly miss you, from that first interview years ago when I wanted to earn commenter rights, to weeding out the semi-regular infestations of trolls who wanted to shit the commenting sections up.
Brian! I don’t know what I’m gonna do every morning when I don’t see your bylines. It’s sad to see one of the people who make this blog what it is moving on, but I wish you the best moving forward.
Honestly, Peter Molyneux’s shtick is so much more cynical. He knows he’s lying, and he continue to peddle it.
Sean seems to understand how his previous marketing stance was flawed but also tends to get really excited about cool projects.
So no more sunday comics then? 3rd week in a row now we’ve had nothing.
Glad you don’t have to strain yourself doing weekday work and weekend editing, but there’s not going to be any weekend editor on Kotaku? So no more Sunday comics (which I realize hasn’t been posted this week or last)? Sad days. Are all the weekend editors disappearing across all the sites?
Was wondering the same thing. I have some phantom memory of seeing that maybe they were going to be on hiatus or less frequent, or not a thing anymore, but I dunno haha.
video? ain’t nobody got time for that
Remember when left field releases from Square was something cool like Brave Fencer Musashi?
I really wouldn’t blame Platinum for this. Remember SquEnix dropped the ball huge on the live service Avengers game too and somehow the single-player Guardians of the Galaxy game turned out to be great.
the original trailer they dropped for the game looked like a platinum game. It had the traditional combat that we’re used to seeing. The second trailer for the game was ....not the same. This screams executive meddling.