
I was reading that and I thought “This guy is saying good shit”.

Titles like Dishonored, Final Fantasy VII, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Hyper Light Drifter, Life Is Strange, the Musou franchise, Proteus, the Tales series, Titanfall.”

I like you already

That’s also the IT dilemma: when it works, “why are we paying you?” And when it breaks, “why are we paying you?”

Man, I wish that was still how the world worked! 

It’s probably for the people who really enjoyed the original, if I had to guess. It’s probably also for people who never experienced the original. It might also be for people who thought the original was a little rough around the edges.

ah, so you’re arguing in bad faith. A pity.  Carry on, I guess.

First Sale Doctrine has been a thorn in the side of corporations for decades. They hate it. They want nothing more than to be the only means of you obtaining a product, the only means of you repairing a product, and the only means of you buying future products.

They don’t want you to be able to buy from third parties

And not only did we go from cassette to CD, VHS to DVD, but those were UPGRADES in quality that kept up with newer and more powerful/affordable stereos and televisions. Digital may be more convenient that physical (at least in the short term), but its not better. They don’t get better graphics or sound on their

I got this copy of Infinite Warfare on PC from the bargain bin at Walmart for $16. when was the last time this game was ever that cheap on Steam? right, never.

It’s not idiotic just because you aren’t smart enough to understand it. 

I don’t understand the commenters who are cheering the slow demise of physical media. Like, fair enough if all-digital works for you, but why wouldn’t you want other people to have options?

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

consider disabling your computer’s USB ports.

If you want to protect your computer from the machinations of Razer peripheral-wielding potential hackers right now, consider disabling your computer’s USB ports.

Wanna move that couch? Throw it on the roof! Your kid needs dropped off at Alaskan military school? Shit, fam, jump in!

A top down, Baldur Gate-ish Elder Scrolls game would be sick. Hell, I wish BioWare return to this kind of aesthetics and just release good games again.

(tl;dr - Butthurt dude (me) poorly and desperately displays disappointment, and thinks this is the single most important core element of the game.)

At this point I’d be surprised if Halo Infinite even had Master Chief at launch.

I thought this was an actual review of humankind, as in, humanity. People. Us.

It's not a bug, it's a fea... wait, it actually is a bug.