
Old Donnie Two Hands

“My family and I have not communicated with Steve Bannon in many months

When you lose Rebekah Mercer as an ally you must be to the right of Hitler. Even then she’d have to think about it.

Not to be pedantic, but both do both. They suck air in, compress it, and then blow it out.

For what it’s worth, that price isn’t just because it’s an F1 part; it’s because the M12 is a near mythical engine in the canon of BMW waving history. The block for that setup is a used M10. A used M10 block. The M10 is the engine used in the Neue Klasse sedans and coupes, which stayed in production through 1984 in

Coming right up:

I am mad that you are mad at people getting mad about whether or not to warm up their car.

I don’t want to hear shit from people about contributing to pollution from warming up a car for a few minutes if they still eat meat and dairy. That contributes more to climate change than all the cars, trucks, ships etc in the world combined. Not to mention the biggest use of water, biggest polluter of water, biggest

Jason, you are an idiot, but we all thought that long before this article. Plus, you’re OUR idiot.

I’m willing to bet most of these people who disapprove of your opinion on the matter, Jason, are those who don’t live somewhere it gets cold enough.

Hilarious, I absolutely loved watching Tucker get owned on his highly edited show. He was trying to be slick and tripped over his own dick. He truly is the definition of white mediocrity failing upwards.

Is that Mike Pence’s secret twitter account?

His favorite position is holding hands.

But like.....can The Root issue a travel ban against mediocre white guys?

The juiciest quotes are completely believable.

Bannon’s a slick opportunist who thinks he’s playing 11th dimensional chess, but he’s really just playing with himself.

The quotes attributed to Bannon were refuted by Bannon as “out of context” but it didn’t stop Trump from unloading on Bannon. The fact that Trump lashed out that way lends credibility to the quotes, and the fact that Breitbart published the stories all day without refutation from Bannon tells me that the quotes are