
It was very much Alanis’ fault. She’s bent on getting offended by everything. I like every writer here, but she is quickly moving to my questionable list.

Wow, seems like Gruden’s hit the jackpot. He seems like a smart guy, he’ll play his cards right here. Although, personally, I’m all in for anything that gets him off television. I bet he takes a real long hard look at his odds here, doubles down, and makes the smart play. Interesting point about the owners

Nope, never. My phone isn’t glued to my hand 24/7 like a degenerate.

What exactly is the benefit of having a phone charger in the bathroom? Can’t you just plug it in like, when you get out of the bathroom?

Of course not. Just look at what happened to the last guy to try it.

So I’ve spent a lot of time thinking that President Pence would be just as bad, because at least Trump is incompetent, but I think I would still prefer it. I think one of the bigger dangers of Trump is the institutional damage he does. So at least Pence won’t wonder why he can’t have the DOJ investigate his enemies,

If dads ruled the world and dad jokes were cool, this would be COTD.

you’re lots of fun - just the level of corruption fatigue Putin likes in his subjects

I have gotten to the point where I’m not sure if I even want to know the truth anymore. It’s not going to permanently take away the support of the Republican party and it’s not going to unify the Democratic Party into a capable force. Maybe, the outrage might help weaken the Republicans, next year, but we still have

I’ve long thought it a bit unfair that women can wear men’s clothes, but not the other way around. On the other hand, virtually everything else in society is weighted in men’s favor, so I guess I can live with this one inequity.

Says who?

This whole thing is dumb. Boys don’t wear dresses. It’s just a fact. Look up the men’s section - there are no dresses. Bunch of powder puffs on social media. I eagerly await a powderpuff response to this comment too.

Good questions mate, but you’re asking the wrong person. Also I don’t answer rhetoric questions

What’s he going to use now? HAM radio?

I mean, the backlash is from a comment: “boys don’t wear princess dresses.” Which, is true 99%+ of the time.

Big deal. Wait until you see the party my dad throws for me once he gets back with that pack of cigarettes he went out for back in 1986.

Never saw Suicide Squad. After BvS it was a "fool me once" type of deal.

So the writers that chose Watchmen and Avatar don't watch many movies, huh? Both movies have their issues, but really, you haven't seen a worse movie in the theater? Did you not go to movies in the early 2000s?

"as if the ship sinking wouldn't be exciting enough on its own."