
I once went into a McDonalds whilst high, went to pay, and my weed pipe flew out of my pocket when i grabbed for my cash. Weed and pipe went clanking and spilling all over the counter in front of the nice 16 year old girl at the cash and in front of several patrons. Without pause and without breaking my gaze directly

Some people like to talk to their driver, though. My friend’s mom drives an Uber and she’s one of those people who can have a convo with everyone, her ratings are really high, like, ‘Nice lady, great conversation!’ She has these stories like, “I met these two lovely escorts and they gave me advice as to what kinds of

I lived in Scotland for awhile and got hooked on the Krave chocolate hazlenut cereal. By the time i got back home to Canada, they had rolled it out...just not the hazlenut one, gah!

I fully paid off my student loan. I had $17,500 left, had made some good investments in the stock market and said ‘screw it’, sold the stock and used most of it to finally pay down the loan.

I have moderate hair growth, i may shave 3 times a week or so.

I have dry skin so i only need to shower every other day or so, usually. Otherwise it gets rash-y. My roommate, who sometimes showers twice a day clearly thinks this is gross, but she pees and flushes while on the phone so it’s even :P

Yeah, i’m a night hawk and hated naps and going to bed early, only to lie awake in the dark for an hour before drifting off. I currently have earlyish work hours and i *still* resist going to bed before midnight, even when my eyes are closing by themselves.

Geez :( Just stop doing all that. If they notice and mention it, tell them you didn’t think they were that into the gifts you did give them because you didn’t hear anything, so you thought it best not to ‘burden them with stuff they didn’t want’. That should be their cue to get it together. Honestly, i would just stop.


Yesterday i actually went to one of two Zellers left in Canada -at the Kipling mall in Etobicoke off the Queensway. It’s now an HBC outlet. The mall is the saddest place in the world (i got big 80s small town flashbacks in there). The clothing wasn’t great (unless you’re an XS or XL then maybe), however their deeply

I’m from small town snowbelt Ontario and my parents are older and have poor backs so i had to shovel starting around 8 yrs old. I lived in a cul de sac so the ploughs would come up our street and ditch their snow in the middle of the round about. I guess sometimes they would take pity on me and would often drive the

I saw this movie this past weekend. It really works on so many levels - besides being a racial commentary piece, it also has hilarious comedy moments, touching personal dramatic ones, as well as the body-horror/psychological horror aspect. It’s pretty rare to see a single movie succeed so well in so many facets.

Great icon, i’m glad it went viral.

That image, with the cups over their faces - i keep thinking it’s a way to hide that they’ve aged, especially Lauren Graham’s plastic surgery. She will be 50 this year. Or it’s me being cynical.

Well, except for the brown-face..

Well, to be fair, no one would say to you, ‘You guys got married that quickly? Wow, that was so stupid!’. They’re going to be nice about it, especially since it worked out. If it didn’t, people would be like, ‘No shit it didn’t work.’ There’s just no absolutes with things like marriage i guess.

Pucci, just do a bunch of fun prints on some flow-y dresses as per the usual and call it a day, please.

My boyfriend (who is 41) was really into the goth scene in his late teens/early 20s - eye liner, combat boots, fishnets on the arms, poet shirts, the whole bit. He is still into that same music so occasionally goes to a show if one of his favourite old groups come through and he always mentions that he sees people

In this society, ceremony and the praise/affection/love (and of course, status) that goes along with it only happens when you’re born, get married, or dead (unless you are, say, Jewish and have a bar/bat mitzfah or something similar). I don’t blame anyone for wanting that. Of course, you can do it all without the

Kids really need to *see* self sacrifice though - but i think it should happen as a matter of living, not for show. My parents aren’t the types to want things so instead of buying each other Christmas gifts, they went to the toy store and bought toys for kids in Children’s Aid. I think my mom just wants an excuse to