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Jared is *the best* (actually...the ensemble characters as a whole really elevate this show). I just don’t love TJ Miller or Thomas Middleditch. TJ Miller’s brashness is just so played out.

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@ 1:20 Maggie Smith talks about being recognized almost entirely due to Downton Abbey - and she hates not being able to go out anymore incognito. She said she wants the movie to start with the Dowager’s funeral.

Yes, it is sad. The thing with fashion is it’s foremost appeal (before we’re all struggling to fit into jeans in a change room) is to sell a fantasy. You can be *this* thin, *this* rich, *this* cool - it’s selling you a lifestyle they presume women want to obtain, so women will spend all the money to obtain a piece of

New Girl is such a great show, but i just absolutely can’t with Zooey Deschanel - she’s the only person that i find so irritating and infuriating, the rest of the cast i watch for because they’re awesome.

I am 37 and absolutely cannot wrap my head around the ‘Friends’ cast being more than 10 years younger than myself now! Seriously, i watch reruns and cannot conceive of it.

I have facebook, just to be there if the need arises to reach out to anyone (or vice versa) but miss almost everything because I never use it - only because social media gives me a tonne of anxiety i don’t have in real life with the friends i see regularly. I just get overwhelmed. So for me, second tier friendships

Sure, i have friends where we’ve drifted apart - nothing wrong with saying ‘hi’ online once in awhile type thing. It just seems to me that if they totally stopped speaking to me/responding to me and only start again when they have an important life event that traditionally requires a gift or is high profile (like a

If you haven’t talked to someone in a long while and then are surprised when they have a baby...after 9 months you haven’t reached out or vice versa, it shouldn’t be a shock you aren’t really good friends anymore.

It’s kinda like short sleeved cashmere. I live in a very cold climate in te winter and very hot in the summer. Those are good....NEVER!

I was watching the final Stanley Cup game and on the CBC they panned to Shania Twain at the beginning of the game, mentioning they would talk to her later. There was something kinda wrong with her eyes - some fillers/plastic surgery thing maybe? Looked a bit off. When they talked to her later in the game, she was

Social media has also glorified people’s ‘uniqueness’. It’s coveted to be special snowflakes and have our own personal ‘brands’.

So much THIS. I come from a hard working low middle class family who stressed i needed to work and study hard and pay my own way, which I did.

Brosnan’s first wife, who died of ovarian cancer was older than him as well. I don’t know if it sounds stupid to say this but i look at him more highly for it - not for being with, like, ‘atypical women for big Hollywood actor’ (because both women were/are gorgeous) but for clearly not giving a shit.

When Ikeas first opened here about 15 years ago i was in my early 20s and was super excited by their magazine where i could get all this cool stuff i could actually afford for my apartment.

The luxury of a well-ventilated crotch!

When i originally read the Blake Shelton item above, i thought it meant Gwen Stefani was buying Blake Shelton his own underwear for his birthday. I was confused, like, is there really super high end tighty whiteys?

This even happens to older people too! There is a 60-something male higher up who works out of office and makes the occasional appearance for meetings etc. For Christmas people decorated their work areas and one woman, who is 50, did hers up ‘ranch style’ and dressed the part (cowboy boots, hat, braided pig tails). At

Nope, doesn’t make you an asshole. If people are curious about veganism, go ahead and inform them. It’s the people that use their diets as a way to make others feel ‘less than’ and bring it up unsolicited that’s a problem.

I fucking *hate* comments about weight at work - positive or negative, ‘friendly’ or ‘concerned’. I work with mostly women currently (after working in mixed workplaces and male dominated ones) and this is the one thing i hate about it.

I <3 Kip! This is an example of how to wear one!