
Like with everything, it’s almost entirely about your perception.

That’s fine, i’m 3rd generation too, i don’t identify with being from elsewhere and i don’t care if you don’t either. But it means a whole lot to other people who do live here.

Yeah, i think you should only give out bagels if you live in New York or Montreal or something.

Yeah, i’m aware and wasn’t thinking, i apologize. Mandarin is what i meant.

I respectfully disagree - in the sense that ‘immigrants don’t really adapt to Canada’. What is the sliding scale of 1-100 where 1 is ‘never adapted at all’ to 100 ‘fully adapted’? Isn’t it a matter of your interpretation? Where do you draw the line? Just because integration happens in different ways that may not be

Patriotism is an interesting thing with a lot of descriptors. I see it as simply being proud of where you’re from but I believe it’s an interesting double edged sword. Canadian patriotism sounds really ridiculous, i agree. 

Canada just doesn’t have the same concrete identity as the US. We know what it means to be American in the sense that there are many things classified as such - there is a strong identity there, for better or worse - in your media, your history, the individual states even. Hollywood is American. Fast food is American.

Velour is awesome - in an early 80s tracksuit way as opposed to a Juicy Couture way.

I agree with this! I think proportion is pretty important if you’re going for a certain look. If someone is quite busty and wears an oversize sweatshirt it’s a different effect than on someone wearing the same shirt who has a little bust in comparison. It just depends on the look you’re seeking.

A lot of this reminds me of highschool in the mid - late 90s, in the fall/winter in Canada when i wore everything 3 sizes too big because i was irrationally ashamed of my body and it was constantly -25C outside and would have to wear double layers to keep warm.

My dad was a public school teacher (grades 2 - 4). Very old school, taught for 36 years, and strict - he wasn’t popular with a lot of kids because of it and had a lot of kids from broken homes in his classes because he was the only male teacher up til grade 6 - he was supposed to be the father figure to put discipline

I want to punch everyone in the face who wears those overpriced, HBC striped knit hats with the fur pom pom on the top - it’s *everywhere*.

Sears *really* fucked up. My company works with Sears - Sears didn’t get into the online game fast enough and couldn’t even hold onto their clientele (re: older people). My parents (who don’t use the internet) were big Sears shoppers forever, until the last 5-10 years when their Sears in their small town turned into a

I’m Canadian so thanks for that!

YES. I used to cook as a job for 6 years or so, 2 of those in a hotel and ever since i can cook super efficiently with none of the irritation. I clean as i go (while waiting for things to cook/bake/rise) and prep beforehand and so everything gets done in half the time and i can blissfully eat with no mess to clean

I will definitely message someone first if they have stuff on their profile to play off of - “I love that movie, especially when the guy smashes the Ferrari with a baseball bat - i never get tired of that scene.”

The only reason Quebec didn’t separate was due to Montreal voting against it.

I’ve read some reviews about it, consensus is it’s pretty good and his performance is excellent - i don’t *think* rape is involved but not 100% sure.

There was one around here named ‘Kevin’ as in Kevin Bacon.

And then instructing the people they hurt of: ‘dwelling on past youthful indiscretions’, ‘fixating on the wrong moment’, ‘needing to adjust their attitude’and ‘failing to control their emotions’.