
This is Canada, though. Because a kid hurt his leg at one time and his family almost had to have it amputated because they could not afford surgery is why we have universal health care today. This happened in Saskatchewan,just like this article:

You can never win. I used to work at a deli and would say, ‘Happy Holidays!’ til i got bitched out by a customer for being ‘politically correct’. When i started saying ‘Merry Christmas!’ i also got bitched out from someone who said, ‘I don’t celebrate Christmas!’

At least Yolandi is a bad ass little rapper!

Notice Trudeau didn’t say shit against Trump during the campaigning. You could tell his advisers were like, ‘Don’t say *shit* until we see who’s elected’ because anything could be turned against him in the future. And that was the correct move, when it could’ve been so easy to take jabs at Trump.

As an aside, i’m really not feeling the super high bangs thing. It always looks like someone accidentally kept trying to get their bangs too even and couldn’t stop cutting them.

Yeah this will work. The reason OPEC (including Saudia Arabia, Iran and Russia, which is really hard to get them to agree on anything) has been drastically cutting their pumping oil is because there is a huge glut of it, which is keeping the price of oil way down. So his solution is to PUMP MORE to devalue it EVEN

Man, people especially in Scotland must be *fucking pissed*, they hate Trump so much.

I’m in Toronto - yesterday everyone was reading the paper on transit - all you could see was people rubbing their eyes, shaking their heads, with wide eyes ‘holy shit’ looks on their faces. People in Canada are really alarmed how this will affect our country as well.

Sweaty Betty is the nickname for Queen Elizabeth, guess the name makes sense.

Sweaty Betty is the nickname for Queen Elizabeth, guess the name makes sense.

Here in Ontario they recently revamped the sex ed curriculum to include more LGBT information, updated sexual assault info, internet/media issues etc.

*Erebus haha

The reason Canada is so intent on finding these wreckages (as HMS Erasmus was found years prior) is to establish who owns the Northwest Passage and those waters -Canada wants definitive claim.

The episode where Michael buys weed (which ends up just being a really expensive Caprese salad because he doesn’t know what it looks like) to plant in Toby’s desk is hilarious.

My boyfriend, who has Aspergers but is excellent with anything electronic-related, gutted his house and did all the re-wiring himself, despite not being an electrician.

I work in design and so many people are like this. I like design and npr and all that shit but why do people have such a fucking attitude about it? Insecurity? Posturing? It’s honestly the thing i hate most about my career - just like what you like and get on with it.

The side fringe looks good but would drive me crazy, constantly brushing and blowing it out of my eyes.

Not the same but my half brother (age 23) has been with his girlfriend for 4 years and has a newborn baby with her. She is 45 and his best friend’s mother.

I take public transportation to save money - i make more than 30k a year but honestly if i had a car (my job is in a primarily commuter city) my superiors would look way more favorably on me. To them, i don’t have the ‘image’ of what it takes for a promotion (i work in design too, not sales or anything). I think a car

Since greek yogurt is now *everywhere* i’m beginning to think i’m the only one that doesn’t like it. It’s too thick and creamy, the texture makes my skin crawl.

It was the chip shop (i dunno what you call it, just one of those little places people get shawarma at) right at West George Street and Renfield St. I lived in the building Sarti’s is in, which was beautiful. I miss it all the time, and my favourite pub, The Pot Still :(