
Oh yeah for sure. I’ve spoken about it before but i work with a mostly female company and the body shaming is daily and ‘subtle’. Women here (of all ages and sizes) talk about how they were ‘bad’ and ate something they ‘shouldn’t’ as well as congratulating each other on ‘being good’ when they go to the gym. The

I think there’s always these people who are so insecure they feel the desperate need to ‘one up’ everyone. You had a stressful wedding? That’s nothing compared to the disasters on their wedding. Did you have a fun honeymoon? Well, be ready to listen about the fabulous anniversary trip that was *SO* much better than

I’m 36 and maybe i’ll get married someday, who knows (i don’t have a partner currently anyway).

I hate that i mostly cry when i’m angry. It feels like it totally negates what i’m railing on against. Instead of putting sharp, well thought out arguments to use, tears just start dripping down my face.

I work for a company with mostly women and at meetings sometimes someone brings in cake. No one eats the cake out of fear of judgement so it always just sits there, everyone looking at it. However, if it sits in the lunchroom, it will go pretty quickly when not so many people are around to scrutinize.

See? You now fit right in in Britain!

And why Madonna always wears finger less gloves now.

Haha, this is the one that always sticks in my mind about ‘...a mat where you!’

Oh yeah, Adny Samberg’s bit at the Emmy’s showcased just how many ‘Wives’ tv shows there are. I didn’t think about it until they listed dozens of shows all about wives.

I would think so too. When i lived in Scotland it’s super obvious to hear ‘Aboot’

Must depend where you’re from - i’m from rural Ontario and i know i say ‘eh’ all the time.

Exactly. ‘Gotta powerwash the insides of my asshole for my perfect day!’ Give me a fucking break.

Haha! I had a similar reaction from a coworker. I had just started a new job (in design, so people are pretty candid) and i overheard my new boss complimenting a coworker (“My girlfriend has the exact same shirt and she looks *really* good in that too.”) and talking about all the guys in the gay part of town who had

I was reading (maybe on Gawker, can’t remember) that, generally, men are paid for their ‘potential’ while women are paid the same...only if they have the experience already. So my years of experience equals a real go-getter of an unexperienced guy.

Yeah i went out with someone once, they seemed friendly, cool, etc. At one point we had to stop by my place to grab a bus pass.

Man, the guy from Vice looks like such a gross little slob compared to Trudeau in that video.

I <3 Trailer Park Boys. The best thing about it is it seemed, by first glance, so stupid and infantile and then you watch and realize it’s about generally decent people trying to make their messed up lives work in their own way.

I like Snowden, etc. Though the tweet does kinda read like the kind of dudes who write on online dating profiles:


Me too, i guess it depends where you live. When i lived in the UK, washers and dryers are standard everywhere, they don’t have laundromats.