
I think it’s mostly because she then controls the conversation about her body. Even though she looks great, we all pretty much know even ‘Hollywood plain’ is ‘every day attractive’ for the rest of us. At least if she’s open about it, no one can trash her worse than things she’s said about herself. The self deprecating

Well, being called a whore - that reflects my online dating life, at least.

I thought Straight Outta Compton was hot garbage, one of the worst movies i saw last year. Does everyone else see something i’m missing? It was a 2 hour plus ad for Dr. Dre.

I’ve done this. I’m 36 and a whole lot of people didn’t know who we were - got that *a lot*

I saw two little girls (4-6 yrs), dressed entirely in pink this morning, walking to school. One had a toy light saber they were both fighting over to play with :)

The cultural fit thing is very real.

He was awesome and super hot in Northern Exposure though. Total dreamboat - an artist on the run from the law, humble and smart. Also liked old records and literature (to Maurice’s annoyance).

Another note (i work in textile development): Look for natural fabrics as often as possible, especially if concerned about warmth if you live in a cold climate. In particular, try not to buy anything blended with polyester if possible. 100% wool (or cashmere if you have sensitive skin) is the way to go. Polyester does

I know. ‘The most patient host on television’

I’m right in the middle of millennial and Gen X (i’m, white, female, 36) - come from a poor family (older parents who grew up in an era where it’s considered an embarrassment to take money from family beyond the age of 18). Moved out at 18 (my parents: ‘You think you’re allowed to live here for free? LOLOLOL’) Put

I worked as a cook and hated this. Once i went into a usually sit down restaurant and noticed i was there 10 minutes before closing so i got up to leave before ordering. When the waitress asked where i was going, i said i would just go elsewhere, didn’t know they were about to close.

I love how dorky he is. You see him talk when doing interviews and you almost can’t believe it’s the same guy who creates some badass characters.

I was reading on Kevin Smith’s wiki that when he filmed the first Clerks movie, besides the fact he maxed out 8 credit cards and sold a portion of his comics collection, he was working at that actual convenience store during the daytime. So he would shoot there all night and work all day - he only slept a few hours a

Haha, i work there, i had no idea!

The only way oral works for me (i found out) is to be eaten out from behind. Ended up being a total game changer for me!

From what i recall, they wanted us to be the bank and do the conversion for them because i remember people asking the waitstaff things like, ‘I’ll just put down a US $20, that should take care of a $35 bill right?’

Just as bad - i’m Canadian, from a tourist town, and worked in restaurants (in the kitchen) for years. When our dollar was low in the early 2000’s we had a ton of US tourists, more than usual.

That’s one of the problems with online dating - we think we know what we want, but i don’t think attraction works that way - it’s something much more nuanced. Online is more like...what people think they deserve.

Me too - well specifically a guy i like and am involved with who wants to jerk off for me while watching me.

My guess is they’re doing this for vanity sizing reasons. People (especially body conscious customers who i assume are probably a decent portion of Lululemon) will stop shopping somehwere if they’re the largest sizes available or the size reads (not fits) larger than normal. People feel much better having smaller