
Best idea if you need mascara not to smudge/run etc.:

I’ve actually seen the documentary, i wasn’t talking about this issue, just in general. I know companies are liable for injuries caused from their products.

I always thought ‘taking responsibility for your own actions’ was called ‘being an adult’.

Yeah, probably not the best idea. Fucking nightmare fuel!

In the 90s there was a guy going around killing teenage girls (with the help of his wife), Paul Bernardo (who’s since been imprisoned). I knew some people who lived in that same city and went to the local highschool at the time. They told me that one of the girls he killed, Leslie Mahafy, was coming home late one

Here in Ontario, Canada, they recently revised the provincial sex education curriculum from Kindergarten - Highschool for the first time in something like 17 years in order to cover more LGBT issues, new technology (sexting, online predators etc), masturbation, and to teach very young children about body part names.

I think these toxic thoughts take a lot of practice to get out of your head. A therapist said once, ‘Your thoughts and feelings are just that - thoughts and feelings. They aren’t FACTS.’ and that was a lightbulb moment. Also had me practicing recognizing these bad thoughts and then i’d write them down and analyze them

Lol just saw this right after i wrote it :)

Google Pierce Brosnan and his wife.

Also i think it can be like, ‘Well, i’m ugly so anyone that doesn’t think so is suspicious because what ‘normal’ person would want me? Must be something very wrong with them as well.’ And so you go after the people that are wrong for you, the ones who don’t accept you, because they must be the ones with ‘the correct

The Atlantic just had a new article on her :)

Oh yeah, that’s how it always is (in my experience anyway). I think it’s more annoying when they’re celebrity designers too that actually started designing and worked their way up to become a brand and got so busy they stopped.

Oh yeah, i actually design for brands (not in fashion though) that are branded by some tv professional designers - with their name on the products, with verbiage talking about how they’ve use their design sensibilities for the products. What usually happens is they send us pictures of stuff they like from other

What good products are there, where the companies are owned/run by celebrities?

This is one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen. I’m Canadian and even the sight of Colbert as a Hockey Night in Canada announcer couldn’t save it :(

Oh man. I was once with a guy who was handsome/charming, everything. I was so excited to sleep with him and he was exactly as you described. Not real, like something out of a porn movie. It made sex with a beautiful person awful.

Well, because the reality is it’s not hard to find a guy who thinks of me as nothing more than a hole to put his dick in. If i want to feel worthless except for what use my vagina provides, i can even just look around at work.

Super gross. Reminds me of Jan in The Office episode The Dinner Party and her candles.

Doesn’t matter cause now GUT JOB

I had a lengthy explanation with him as to why that was offensive (ie: women’s lives aren’t about what your dick prefers, if you aren’t into someone you can just keep your mouth shut, you can’t reduce someone’s life value because of it, etc)