
Lol, fuck these kinds of people.

I'd like to have a drink with him and Henry Rollins any day!

I love listening to different accents and languages. I'm Canadian so our accent is very flat, clear and boring without much slang (though immigrants have told me it's very easy to pick up the language here due to that). When i travel i just love listening to the cadence of other people talking and living in the UK was

Yeah i sock this with 'angels' in my book. Nice comforting thoughts to have that we wish were real, but aren't.

I'm 35 and can pass for around 28 (and have been hit on my younger guys who thought i was younger than that). I'm single and actually am the most attracted to guys my age or younger, never been into the older guy thing.

I cried when i first noticed i was getting breasts because i knew i would never be a child again, that part of my life was over.

Yeah, i'm not one of those resort people or anything, I like to go out and see the sights. I even get annoyed at people who take pictures of *everything* and can't live in the moment. my friend went to New York for 3 days and took more pics than I did in an entire month long trip. Travelling alone definitely has its

I've never been able to travel with anyone. I'd like to go with friends but due to work schedules, different budgets and the fact all my friends just default to their partners and family, I always have to go alone. Sure, sometimes i end up travelling to see people in other countries but i've never been able to go

It seems more to me like he's mocking celebrity/fashion. These pics of these women are pretty good for the most part but when translated into everyday life, concepts like blingy Egyptian princess with a jeweled grill is pretty ridiculous. He's just taking it all out of context into a cheaper, real world situation and

Excuse me, please label 'NSFW', i'm at work here!

Once slept with a close friend - he and i had been friends for 10 years at the time, we were 25 when this happened. We were both out of bad relationships with no sex so we planned to have sex with each other. We got a hotel and had an awkward bath together, then i blew him and he clearly didn't like it (note: i've

I thought the same thing (and i'm not plus sized). Often plus sized women are sexualized specifically for their larger bodies - larger breasts and hips. Like when i think plus sized clothing, what immediately comes to mind is plus sized lingerie.

I'm not a vegetarian but those made me gag!

Like gold plated shoe horn, silver plated french fry holder,etc

In my experience, workplaces considered 'cool' are often used to mask huge problems elsewhere in the company. A company i worked for moved to a very cool, modern building with some of the walls made of reclaimed wood from a sunken ship from the lake located by the beach outside. They also immediately laid off 150

People really should get over this. I'm not into nail polish so i don't polish my toenails (but do keep them trimmed and clean) and my coworkers and some of my friends think it's SO GROSS.

Also, i grew up in the same town as Justin Bieber. My old friend from high school grew up with him, knows his parents well and went to the same church. When Bieber made it big he swore that he was a good, talented Christian boy whose head was in the right place. We know how that turned out.

I was with an old roommate about 7-8 years ago and saw Christopher Walkin sitting alone in a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown in toronto. We got into a big discussion whether to speak to him or not (place was pretty empty, I thought it would be ok to go say hello, he didn't). We ended up leaving him alone but it was

Lays did a thing in Canada where they tested different flavours, one of which was maple Syrup (of course) and it wasn't that good. I'd think most people would crave chips specifically for their saltiness, not sweetness.

That stuff is friggin gross. My coworker recently won a White Diamonds gift set (didn't know they were still making those) and she spent some good time trying to get rid of it - someone eventually took it for her mother. It smells like how i imagine 1985 smells.