
For 3 months (all i could handle) i lived with 3 others, a japanese guy (who was fine) and a dude i'll call 'Ben' and his Japanese girlfriend.

I do think a lot of it is too 'Georgie girl' to me, a bit too on the nose - she definitely tries very hard, but hey she looks good so whatever.

On my first job as a dish pig in a hotel kitchen, within a week the head chef got fired for exposing his dick to one of the waitresses, like a, 'Hey, check it out!'. I was 16 and worked in kitchens for 9 years after, it was a telling moment as to how sexual harassment in kitchens is super common and not at all

Kind of looks like one of those candy necklaces gone..uh...couture?

Yeah, this makes sense, getting to the 'dirty' parts of women that society keeps secret. I suppose having a woman's used panties gives a sort of extreme intimacy to the female body we are normally ashamed of.

I was walking home alone late at night when a random guy comes up to me and says, 'You're the most beautiful women i've ever seen, will you go out with me?' I thanked him but politely decline, he looks embarrassed and runs into a nearby subway station.

I keep picturing this guy as Dwight Shrute

Pregnancy fetish!

I've never been pregnant but my friend has had two kids and she says that belly sling was a huge back saver for her, she swore by it!

My friend's fiancee had her breasts reduced and when she told him (shes of small stature) she was a size 'F' he was like 'WHAT????' No idea. She would wear two tops to keep everything in place and heavy duty bras, no one, not even him, would've known she needed a reduction. Turned out her boobs were pulling her back

Oh, i thought the commercial would be dads in their underwear showing off their 'real' bodies. I'm sorry, i guess that's only for women because all men's bodies are automatically 'real'.

Yep and that guy, as you mentioned, had amazing self confidence. We were fwb for a year and he never mentioned his penis size once - didn't apologize, never asked if it was ok. Wish we could all be like that. If apologized about it or felt bad, it would have affected my attraction to him i think.

Best sex i've ever had was with someone with a very small penis - like 4" and thin. He was an amazing lover which matters a whole lot more. Never thought i'd say that before him!

Sometimes, mostly at previous jobs! But mostly my problem is relating everything to Simpsons episodes - but a lot of people have that problem.

Orbitz is what got this white girl from the country into bubble tea :P

At least you guys get Krave hazelnut cereal. That's the best sugar-y cereal i've ever had, hands down. They recently started selling it here in Canada...but not the hazelnut one which is the best!

The smell of Lush, the store, makes me gag before going into the place. They could have the best products ever but the overwhelming sickly sweet smell (when i go by there i always think of The Office episode The Dinner Party where Jan is showing off her candles room and everyone looks sick over the smell).

I miss this stuff too, i liked the Cherry - i almost expect to see it whenever i'm at a convenience store looking for something to drink that isn't pop but isn't juice.

When my guy friends aren't interested in someone/something they don't hide it very well. They don't have to 'be nice' if they don't want to be.

Oh yeah, the pens popularity is definitely due to Crosby. I haven't worked with Detroit stuff too much but they're quite popular here (and they don't get the Boston hate) so that must sell well.