
I'm from near Toronto, and have always been a Montreal fan (my dad is from the same village as Howie Morenz). There's a lot of Canucks hate in Toronto, which i find very weird. I despise the Leafs but that's not uncommon.

Almost no one can make me laugh harder than Colin Mochrie

My parents are older (my dad is 75, my younger sister is 25) and promptly stopped giving a fuck around when i was 10 and my sister was born. They were just tired out. It's amazing to me to read so many comments about how people can't get their mom's off their case, my mom could care less about me, i'm 35 and she has

To be fair, it can be like this in Canada. When i lived in the UK people thought it was crazy for me to spend a weekend in London (i lived in Scotland) which is only 4 or so hours away via train. To me, a 4 hour train journey is nothing, i would get basically to nowhere in Canada in that time.

Yeah never got this full eye eyeliner thing. I've tried it and I look ridiculous, like not even the same person.

I always make a point to visit the V&A when in London. It's one of my favourite museums i've ever been to and I've been to lots all over.

Ughhhh. I work as a designer for a company, design never sees clients, clients don't come 'round this area but i'm still expected to wear business casual at all times. it used to be jeans, non-slob casual until someone in some other dept. whined about it to HR ' if we have to dress this way, so do they'. My creative

Last I checked, the majority of guys don't really care about your nails, unless you have a particularly sharp one around their delicate areas :P

I can understand that people don't want struggle for their children, who does? But struggle is what makes the person stronger and more capable of taking care of themselves.And to struggle for your art or passion, whatever that is, has immense value that no one can take away from you. You appreciate the small successes

Was just going to say this. Jezebel, duuuuuuuuude!

Something definitely got left out of me when I was born because cute children that most of my friends/coworkers squee over does nothing for me. I like the children of my friends and family, don't hate on babies on airplanes or nice restaurants, nothing like that. I love my nieces and nephews and have taught children

But Meatwad gets the honeys, see.

Someone is a devotee of Cavalli vomit!

Glad I spent maybe $60 total for prom because my boyfriend (first love) dumped my ass at the prom for an ex, who he went to go fuck. Well, he just said, '____ and I are going to go now, you able to get home?' I didn't say anything, so he left and I walked the 2 hours home in my dress because it was 11pm and no one

The United Way in Canada's campaigns are excellent. Both technically and to illustrate how to see the poor and elderly as people and not by their situations. They choke me up when I see them. 'What you're giving is a way out.'

Thing is, even if it was my thing, even if i was attracted to him, it's the whole 'feeling he has the right to throw his personal sexual fantasies into my face uninvited' thing that would have set my 'bad judgement!' alarm off.

As long as they say, 'Nailed It!' after each competition.

Him: 'I'm really into women that like to be degraded during sex.' *stares at me..i assume it was staring but he was wearing mirrored sunglasses inside the mall*

A guy once hit on me by asking, 'So, do you consider yourself open minded?' Heeeere we gooooooo! Turned out he was into degrading women during sex and thought I looked like the perfect candidate. This was a stranger in a food court at 6pm on a Wednesday.

This happened to my friend in one of the high speed trains in France. He got on some express by accident...and ended up in another part of the country entirely. He called his boss who laughed and said, 'See you tomorrow!'