
I'm from ontario and I love Newfoundland, had some family there. The weather generally is too shitty for my liking but it's a beautiful province and the people are wonderful. That ad campaign they did for Newfoundland and Labrador was fantastic.

Because why bother doing anything unless everyone knows about it? People aren't interested in other people on social media as much as people just want to see what others think about them on social media.

I don't blame you. I read today there are 3 new reports of measles here in the Toronto area - the article listed all the places these people have been to recently and the one guy went ALL over the place leading up to his diagnosis.

I once put the entire thing in my mouth. Do not do this! Also, I was 29 :(

Yeah! It was a Just for Laughs touring thing. My coworker also went and we both agreed that John Mulaney actually put on one of the funniest routines that night though he was only the opener. I think it was his very first season writing for SNL?

Years ago I once saw him do a bill hosted by Sarah Silverman and featuring (then unknown but he was fantastic) John Mulaney, Arj Barker (from Flight of the Conchords), Todd Glass and David Cross. I think i paid $35.

Anyone else remember Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and Spock just marching around, giving everyone the finger?

The woman from India who was a 'human supercomputer'? Totally blew my damn mind!

Seriously, a lot of those Google doodles have taught me more about women in history than than I ever learned in school about women that wasn't based around suffragettes.

Also , if Leto actually went as Rayon I think people would be more offended by that. It could be construed as Leto making light of actual transgender people who live that way and probably wouldn't care to be seen as a 'costume'. Akin to dressing models in 'fashionable' culture appropriations (ie native headdresses).

For me the answer is always 'flats' but these would have been perfectly swelligant:

Those shoes make me wince in sympathetic pain.

Also, I assumed his comment meant that, in real life, he would be going in drag since he is not, himself, trans.

Wow, I stress out over my student loans, can't even imagine the immense stress over being that far in debt over your company and all the people employed under you.

It's so much about confidence. The best sex i've ever had was with someone with a small penis. He never apologized for it in the year I knew him, never really acknowledged it and was so good in bed and secure in himself and, even more importantly, was so easygoing about me and not shy that I felt comfortable to do

I worked many years ago with a woman in her 50s with down syndrome, who was also one of my favourite coworkers. After yet another day dealing with bad management she would come over, 'they are bosses, they only like money, they don't care about us. You need a new job.' Everyone else with all their chromosomes as

This is awful Photoshop, no doubt. But I design for these types of places (product) and trust me, it's only a few people that make design decisions - as designers we offer the best we can and try to push the envelope and work in a manner that is fair but this is fact: if i'm told to copy someone else's work by request

I think so (sorry, this is my work account, i'm the same person). Especially if you're a man, low stress on your heart and clean living probably helps too (no one on my dad's side drinks or smokes or eats bad food since growing up on the farm they ate what they grew years before pesticides really existed. Unless there

Yep, that's basically it. As if that's what he picked for a tattoo, ugh. I mostly associate Cullies games with teenage girls fighting between periods at the game from my junior high school. I guess swans weren't manly enough for him.

He and Leto completely deserved their awards last night and disappeared into their roles. Amazing.